The Power With Words - Day 8

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Day 8 - The Power With Words

What we put out comes back, what we say becomes true

Words are so powerful they are spells and influence our inner and out worlds

Our words are vibrations and the sounds influence physical matter. We can see this when we speak to our plants with hate or love. Hate sees the plant start deteriorating within weeks and with love the plant will start to thrive

Dr Emoto proved that our words influenced our water too.

For every negative, there is a positive word.

Never forget/Always Remember

Negative words cut out flow, it also takes us back in the past. Positive words bring us present and allows us to stay in flow

Go with the flow

My philosophy is that if I only choose to use positive words, I will always be a positive person.

Bringing awareness to our words, allows us to be more present throughout the day, which means we are in flow, which means we are healing, which means we are being our Soul

It also allows us to observe others with the words they choose to speak, we will spot the ego so quickly.

Our words spoken become the truth

Over the next few days, bring awareness to the words that we write,text or type and set an intention to use only positive words.

Bring awareness to how it reads, how it feels and how it is received.

We will automatically bring so much more presence to our life everyday.

Enjoy todays teaching

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