A Machiavellian Perspective on Modern Geopolitical Theatre: The Cabal Behind the Curtain

3 days ago

In the world of geopolitics, many analysts fixate on the immediate—bombings, regime changes, military skirmishes—offering commentary on the surface-level power struggles. But these views often miss the deeper dynamics, the grand strategy that Niccolò Machiavelli would advise a discerning ruler to observe. As Machiavelli emphasized in The Prince, the actions of leaders often serve a higher purpose, dictated by pragmatism, power retention, and manipulation of the masses. Today’s global stage is no different. The wars, conflicts, and terrorist organizations that dominate headlines are often little more than tools wielded by a hidden elite—what some might call a “Cabal”—whose goal is not merely dominance, but the orchestration of perpetual conflict to maintain their control.

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