Episode 8 Time to Choose

5 months ago

Time to Choose
A New Declaration of a United Global Nations and World Citizens

1. Living income for all citizens in all nations, that is able to be used in all nations for the same value based on the principle of cooperation not competition among and between all nations and people.
2. Free movement of citizens in all nations and between nations for the purpose of living, travelling, education, visiting, serving.
3. Non-competition between nations – free trade and sharing of the planet’s resources according to the need of all citizens wherever they live
4. Life and living for all humans focussing on the needs of each individual for growth in consciousness, physical and mental health through prevention of disease – healthy living by choice - development of spiritual and personal awareness, creativity, self -knowledge and self- evolution, based on reading, researching, and applying the ageless wisdom teachings, which is all human knowledge across time and culture.
5. A consciously assisted evolution of each individual, self-motivated, over time and in the unique way for each individual facilitated by understanding, compassion, empathy and guidance of the state or nation in which the individual chooses to reside at any time.
6. A knowledge that the freewill of every individual, every nation, every group can and never should be infringed by another individual, nation or group even if there is disagreement as to values, principles, morals, method, content or consequences.
7. All individuals are protected because they are free to move to any other group, nation, family or situation of their choice, and to there find acceptance, living support, safety, understanding, compassion, inclusion and empathy, for whatever time they choose.
8. Sovereignty of each nation with their unique customs, beliefs and lifestyles as is applied to individuals but, with the recognised and applied need to be part of the global group of sovereign nations, in theory and practice.
9. Write off all debt created by the World Bank, IMF or any foreign entity for every nation. Each nation contributes to the global larder of resources according to their ability and there is no lending nor debt organisations like a world bank or IMF. All nations help each other towards their highest and best for all their citizens, whomever they are, at any time.
10. Organised, ordered, fair, equitable and sustainable practices for the accessing and use of the planet’s resources, agreed among all nations based on a fair sharing of resources, and a fair share in the cost based on ability to contribute, to moving resources and in their distribution to every citizen of the world.
11. A world with one intention which is the betterment – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – of and for every human, as decided and defined by the individual.
12. All resources from the kingdoms in nature – mineral, plant and animal – understood to be the rights and responsibility of every individual and nation, with no right to make a profit from these resources nor to corner them, or use them to benefit from others’ need for life and living.
13. The creation of a totally new programme of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
14. The creation of an Earth Government of Light to replace the United Nations over time and that is based on the inner spiritual Hierarchy or Government of our planet.
15. All this based on a recognition that we, the world’s citizens, are each of equal value yet each with a unique contribution to our fellow humanity and to the one planet.
16. A recognition that this our planetary home, is conscious, evolving, within a consciously evolving solar system.
17. This all based on a Plan that is inherent in us all, that has persisted since the beginning of time and is unfolding, in an ordered and organised way through the ever-changing forms, kingdoms, species, empires, and civilisations on our planet.
18. All this based on a recognition that we, the world’s citizens, are each of equal value yet each with our unique contribution to our fellow humanity and to the one planet that is conscious, evolving, within a consciously evolving solar system.
19. This Declaration is based on our planet’s Plan that is ours to freely choose to implement, or to reject, for we created our past and are the custodians of our planet’s present and future.
20. With the implementation of this New Declaration of a United Global Nations and World Citizens, each human will know and freely fulfill their unique place and role in the human family, creating a truly fair, just, sustainable, meaningful, joyful and beautiful home for us all.

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