Planting a Bare-root Vandalay Cherry Tree

5 months ago

Bare-root fruit trees are significantly less expensive than buying pre-potted, but they require a bit more attention and work! Today we planted a bare-root Vandalay Cherry tree cultivar, which are known to be disease resistant. Always look for cultivars that are disease resistant to prevent losing trees.

"In this day and age, our livers are more burdened than ever before in history. With toxins in our environment and foods that stress our bod-ies, sluggish and fatty livers are becoming ram-pant. While certain liver-cleansing techniques have become trendy, a handful of cherries can do so much more. Cherries are an amazing way to revitalize this organ; they're the ultimate liver tonic, cleanser, and rejuvenator.

Cherries promote healthy hemoglobin and are also anti-cancerous, specifically effective at addressing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, mela-noma, and glioblastoma (a type of brain tumor).
Cherries sharpen the mind by purifying the bowels-they're better at alleviating constipation than prunes! They cleanse the bladder, too, and help alleviate spastic bladders and bladder prolapse. Plus, cherries are one of the best endocrine-system-boosting foods, stimulating or suppressing the appetite as needed. If it's weight loss you're after, cherries are your new best friend.” -Life Changing Foods by Anthony William


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