Bo Polny - AssAssiNATION - THIS NEXT!!!💥Bo Polny, Noah Christopher - Captions

5 months ago

In this interview with Noah Christopher, Bo discusses various prophecies made by Kim Clement and the significance of current events in relation to these prophecies. He explains the biblical significance of the current time period and how it aligns with the prophecies. Bo also provides insights into the cryptocurrency and precious metals market and offers a discount on his detailed newsletter for those interested. The interview ends with a message of preparation for the significant events expected to unfold in the near future.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Bo Polny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video posted 07-26-2024 may be watched here: 👉

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Assassination - The Unfolding of Prophecies and Revelations in Current Events and Financial Markets by Bo Polny and Noah Christopher

0:00: 💥 Unfolding events in July point towards significant developments, with potential surprises ahead for the rest of Summer.
4:43: 💥 Deception in mainstream media, rewriting history, and the battle against evil forces.
9:15: 🔥 Prophecy fulfillment: Trump baptized by fire, fulfilling biblical times with God's intervention.
14:56: 🔍 Insights on current events aligning with biblical prophecies and predictions, emphasizing uncertainty and change.
20:01: 🔮 Prophetic analysis reveals significant events in August and September based on Roman and Hebrew calendars.
25:41: 💥 Importance of prophetic revelations, distinction between prophets and psychics, and forbidden practices in astrology.
32:00: ⚡️ Prophecy regarding the current presidency and future events revealed through Kim Clement's videos.
37:25: 💥 Insights on prophecies, national events, and financial markets shared by Bo Polny and Noah Christopher.
44:07: 🔮 Insights on upcoming events and market trends shared by Bo Polny and Noah Christopher.

👉LEGAL & DISCLAIMER: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Bo Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Bo Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Bo Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Bo Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Bo Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Bo Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and cannot be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.


and winter says what? No, winter says I will make you what? Yeah, happy. Happy. So even you know the prophecy and winter says I will make you happy. But when he says the word you, who's God talking to his bride, his church? And so when God says I will make you my church happy, understand the other side of that equation is the people who think that yo u and I don't know what we're talking about. And these people who refuse to turn from the wake of ways, this is going to be not a good Christmas. This is goin g to be the worst Christmas I've ever seen in my life. Live from America's hard land. This is the daily truth report with your host, Noah Christopher. Hey, welcome back everybody to the Daily Truth Report. And we had to have Bo back on because we've got so many things happening here. We've got a lot of things that Bo has told us happening that exactly the day that we expected. We'll get into that here in just a minute. It looks like we've been talking for a long time, at least for the last four years that I can remember. Every year we would look and we'd have Bo in the show and we'd look and we'd say, well, is this the year that we see that that season's prophecy from Kim Clement playing out where he talks about what happens in spring and then summer and then fall and winter. And it's the one that says they fall and fall. It says hypnotic November. It says summer will be the mediator. It says strange July. We have watched every year and we've thought, maybe this is the year and it hasn't obviously been the year yet, but this year is just playing out to a tee. And nobody better to have back on the show than to talk about that than Bo. So really excited to get your input on that Bo. How are you doing? Welcome back. I'm good. Thanks for having me again. It's always good to speak with you. You're one of my favorite people to speak with just because I love your name, Noah. It's very biblical. It's great that God put us together. And the truth is, as we've always said, we're not living in political times, we're living in biblical times. I want to describe that. Think about being on the earth when Jesus was walking on the earth. It sure felt political with all the stuff that was going on. You could just, with Rome and Caesar and a Pharisees. It was all political, but yet now we look at it. Hindsight, it was all biblical. You see, so we're going to look back at these times in the future and realize, whoa, all these things that were happening right in front of us are all biblical. They might feel political, but they truly, truly, we're living in biblical times as the year 2020 began with Corona. And it's just things are getting more and more wild. But the thing is, none of this is random. And most importantly, God's got a plan for humanity, for those who want to know the name Jesus. But at the same time too, it's going to be a very scary time into year end and a very wonderful time into year end. And what have we said in prior podcast, Noah? When these events go down, it will be what? The best of times in the worst of times. Absolutely. Well, I checked right before you came on, and it's been almost exactly two weeks since you were on with us last. And ordinarily, that might seem like not a lot of time. But in that time, we've had a attempted assassination on President Trump. That happened after we spoke last. We've had Joe Biden go from saying he's going to run again and defiantly saying he's not dropping out to dropping out of the race. We've had him showing up on an audio calls and showing up on video and people saying, some of this stuff doesn't look right. Why does that look that way or sound that way? What's going on? Just this morning, we had, he was in some videos that were released and all of a sudden, now he looks like he's about a foot taller. He looks like he's got a really nasty bruise on his chin. All of these weird things, he's suddenly moving faster again. Anyway, all these things have happened in the last two weeks. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of this strange July that we've been looking for. And it looks like it's playing out before our very eyes. So we've certainly gotten the strange July. I think there's probably still one or two surprises left in the month. It's not over yet. And then we have the rest of summer to play out. And then I think from what I know, fall and winter are gonna be incredible. So let me pull up your slides. I know we have a few video clips to watch from Kim Clemente. Maybe some stuff that people haven't seen before. Some will explain what some of them mean or at least what we think they mean. What we think is coming next. But let me put your slides on the screen and you can start wherever you wanna start. But your time cycles, you don't always know what's gonna happen on the day that you're looking at these cycles. But you just so happen to get the day that Joe Biden dropped out of the race perfectly. So I don't know if you wanna go to that or somewhere else first, but I'll put your slides up on the screen here and you can take us through it. Sure, absolutely. I do wanna say, the Daily Truth Report, we love Trump website. Or I gotta say, it's pretty fantastic than the research that you do too. Because honestly, I don't really watch the meeting like it right now. There's nothing to watch. There's nothing to everything out of the mouth of these new stations is a lie, right? So it's like, even with what's going on, like you're talking about discussing with Biden, like who knows what's going on? We've seen this thing about masks and just we don't know who is real, who's not real, who's AI, who's not, like it's getting into a time of great deception. And you really don't know the truth in this. This is why really it's so important to focus on God right now. That's the bottom line. You need to find Jesus and know that, he's in a continued appoint us in the right direction because he's making a way for his bride. But you're right now, that's what we're seeing in mainstream media. You don't even know who is who anymore. And it's crazy. On that point, I mean, just this morning, you're exactly right. Just today and yesterday, actually, we have the media coming out and saying, oh, Kamala Harris, she was never the borders are because the borders so bad, they can't let her be attached to that. And so it's exactly like animal farm if you've read that where George Orwell's famous book, I know everybody's read it or heard about it. And they change history. And the pigs say, well, we never said that. No, we never said any of those things. And you start to doubt yourself. But they said, oh, we never know. Kamala Harris was never the borders are. What are you talking about? And then the good thing is, we now have Twitter is safe, it's free, it's open. And so people are going back and grabbing all the old clips. It's just hilarious. The exact media outlets that are saying that, Axios is one of the leading ones, they said, well, she was never the borders are. That was never her title. People went back and found the guy that said that she was never, they went back and found the article that he wrote back in like 2021. And it's not just the same outlet. It's the same writer. And he's writing about how, oh, this is great. Kamala Harris has been appointed, the new borders are. And I mean, these places are, I mean, we don't even have to get into masks and actors and masks and all this stuff, or AI, faked videos, that stuff's out there too. But they're just lying straight to your face. The other one right before we got on, the big story right now is Newsweek is pushing that, well, no, Trump didn't actually get shot. We don't, well, what are you talking about? We don't know that he actually got shot. Well, you think he actually, oh, he actually got like the bullet hit him? No, we don't know that. That's not clear. They're trying to rewrite history right before our very eyes. So when you say you can't trust, I mean, it's not just sloppy reporting. It's not just bad information. They are literally taking the exact 180 from the truth, lying about it and pushing it right to your face. It's disgusting, though. So I'm sorry to jump in on that, but it is beyond anything we've ever seen. And when people say, you don't hate the media enough, they're right. People don't truly hate what this media is doing to this country because it's outright evil, it's devious, and it should not be allowed to continue. Well, again, this is what we need to understand, right? Who's the Prince of the Air Noah? Yeah, Satan, right? You read Ephesians, we battle not against flesh and blood, but principalities of darkness, furthermore, the Geneva Bible, which is the most oldest, because even King James removed this, and we battle against princes of darkness. So princes of darkness, people you need to understand, who that entities are, those are the fallen angels, the fallen ones. So we, this is a spiritual battle, and the spiritual battle against principalities, and fallen angels and humanity. And so that's what's going on. And ultimately, right before it gets really bad, or right before evil wins, you always have God show up. So a perfect example of that in our lifetime, we actually witnessed God showing up. When, okay, on the 13th, when they attempted to the assassination, he was in the crosshairs, and as the bullet was flying, he turned his head. And God knew that, but the point I'm trying to make, how this is all God showed him, shall he say himself to the world he showed off. And at the same time too, not only did God show himself through signs or those a miracle, basically, there was also more things happening that that exact moment in time, because that was prophecy fulfillment. Mm-hmm. You see, when Trump turned his head and he fell to the ground, what flew off his feet? Yeah, he lost his shoes. Think about this, this is what God revealed to me, just a couple days ago. Why is that important? Because to be baptized by fire, you can't have your shoes on. Go ask Moses what happened to him when he went out and out of Sinai. They always took their shoes off. That's right. And what else did Moses do? He went, what? Did he stand up or did he go go to his knees? Right, every time. Yep. Okay, so when Moses was at the burning bush at Sinai, he had, he was on his knees, he was bowed his head was down on the ground with his shoes off. What happened on the 13th of July? Yeah, carbon copy. Carbon copy, yeah. That's right. Then what happened after Moses came down the hill? He was different. He was changed because why? He was baptized by fire. Mm-hmm. Kim Clement stated very clearly that Trump will be baptized by fire. That bullet that he went that went down as horrific as the whole thing appears to be. It was actually a moment in time for filling prophecy because now Trump was baptized by fire. The media has reported. Actually, if you want to even pull up, I'm not sure if you see this, but go to my Twitter page. I'd literally posted yesterday on Australia is actually stating that Trump is a new man. There's something new about different about him because we literally saw prophecy being fulfilled by him going down and then being raised up and then you have the prophet Brandon, what did he say when Trump went down, he gave himself to Christ and he rose a new man. Look at those news articles. And let's zoom in on it for a second. Check out those news articles. This isn't Australia, what they're posting. Okay, have a read. Born, what is baptism? Okay, what is baptism? It's being born. Again, what did Jesus say to the Pharisee? You need to be born again. And the Pharisee's like, what does that mean? But this is what was God Jesus Christ was speaking to the Pharisees about. That's what a Pharisee about when he met him at nighttime. Yep, that's right. So this is literally what happened. And now we've not only am I making this up, here's a news article posting Trump born again. What did Kim Clement say? I will baptize him and fire. You know, God speaking through Kim Clement, he will baptize and fire and he's gonna come into office. A what president? A praying president. Mm-hmm. We're watching prophecy be fulfilled. We're watching scriptures be fulfilled. We're living in not political times, even though it might feel like it we're living in biblical times. And then very interesting enough, Jainie, God keeps reeling stuff to her. Check this out. Go read the top of that post. You're gonna laugh if you haven't read this yet. Go read this is what God revealed to her about the word assassination. Go ahead. You want me to read this? Yeah, yeah, read this. And this is what she's saying. God defined what assassination means. Okay, so Trump is shot at by a bunch of asses running a nation in an attempted ass assassination. Assess I nation. Yes. I need to think about this is the spelling of assassination. Yeah. Two asses running a nation. What? Yeah. You can't make this up. How would I know to do this? How would Jainie know that God reveals things that you don't let her plane sight, but you don't see until someone points it out to you? The jackal and the hyena. Yeah. His shoes go flying off as he is baptized by fire and his right ears pierced, setting him aside. Why? Because when you read the story of Aaron, when he would give him the golden scepter, right? He was bathed, they pierced his right ear and he bled out of his right ear to be the ruler of a new nation because Babylon's coming down and who's going to be ruled over the new nation? Trump have always said this. Trump will rule under God. He's going to heal these ruling just like Joseph ruled under Pharaoh. He had no answer to it except Pharaoh. God's going to have, Trump's going to have no answer to it except Jesus. That's it. That's what's coming. We are watching prophecy unfold right in front of us. You just got to put the pieces together. Yep. Why was it the fact that his shoes came flying off? Like think about that. How does that happen? That's very strange. I'm going to continue reading starting now and into year end will be the greatest rollercoaster ride the world has ever seen. It will be here is the best of times into year end in the worst of times into year end. Choose wisely whom you will serve. Remember this is John 10. Satan comes to kill steel and destroy. You've seen in the past four years what kill steel and destroy us. We've been talking just about this in the pre-partment in this front part of this interview about what the lies and deception and with Biden. Ever this is like who the heck knows what's true anymore because they're lying, stealing, destroying. This is just it's all a lie right? And then John 10th and finish it. But the eye Jesus come to give you life more abundantly. So you need to think, you need to understand by the end of this year, you know, you're going to be sitting on one side of offense. You're either going to be celebrating because Kim Clement said, and when Christmas Christmas what was the prophecy right? And winter says what? No, winter says I will make you what? Yeah, happy. Happy. So even you know the prophecy and winter says I will make you happy. But when he says the word you, who's God talking to his bride, his church. And so when God says I will make you my church happy, understand the other side of that equation is the people who think that you and I don't know what we're talking about think that they don't know Jesus, they don't want to know Jesus, right? And so all they do is worship their bank accounts and they worship Hollywood and all, and these people who refuse to turn from the wake of ways, this is going to be not a good Christmas. This is going to be the worst Christmas I've ever seen in their life. Yeah, what's going on? We've seen many things unfold were in Kim Clement called July Strange, July Strange, July. Well, I would say an attempt at assassination would be considered strange more than in that, okay? But I would call it tumultuous. But Kim said it's going to be, July is going to be tumultuous. So what is a definition of tumultuous? It means confusion, a time of change. And this is key, a time of uncertainty, uncertainty. Well, look what's going on with the presidency. It's a time of uncertainty. Is it not? So we were really watching what was stated 10 years ago in a prophecy right in front of us right now. So before we play that first video, let's just pop on slide 16. And I want the viewers to understand how we are living in biblical times. Cause remember the calculation I showed you, the 1260 days. This is when we first met me a few years ago and this is kind of what brought us to you to spark your attention because I said, hey, from the day Trump got elected, the day he got elected, 1260 days to the exact day, you and I watched. I said, so it's going to happen on the 20th of April, 2020. And you and I watched, oil go to negative $38 a barrel. And the oil is a petro, it's half of the petro dollar contract, right? So how does that make any sense? Trading that they're going to pay you $38 to take a barrel of oil. You see, it made no sense. But yet you and I, it was a 1260 days to the exact day of the election of Trump. We watched oil go to negative $38 a barrel. I did like you said earlier, I didn't know it was going to happen. I just knew something was going to happen, right? Oh yeah. And then we watched it even happen. And then from that we calculate 150 days and that was a death of Ginsburg. So, but I'm saying is so, Jesus ministry again, 1260 days from the time of baptism, we talked about baptism earlier to the time of death in the cross. It was 1260 days. And so where we see that that's written Daniel, it shall be for time times and a half a time. So that's three and a half years or so there's two ways of looking at this. Three and a half years on the rolling calendar or 1260 days on the Hebrew calendar. And there's a difference of about two weeks there. And the reason be because a Hebrew calendar, it's a moon is 30 days. And so you do the math on that, you end up finding out that is 1260 days exactly. But if you run it on the rolling calendar, the Kemembert had earlier prior videos of this two calendars we got going on. Okay. And so the rolling calendar is 365.25 days. And so that changes it a little bit. So the point of, so if you go to slide 17, 1260 days from the inauguration was July 4th, 2024. Now click on page 20 and you'll notice that in June, the mainstream media, George Clooney, everybody was Rara Joy, Biden is fully capable. There's nothing wrong with him. We're gonna throw him a party, 30 million dollar fundraiser. Everything was Rara Joy Joy. Everybody was on the Joe Biden train. Automatt then you go 1260 days to the fourth of July. And like the day after the fourth of July into the days after mainstream media, everybody turned on him, including George Clooney who threw the party on for him in June. That's right. So you see the two slides. The first amazing millions for him. And then they're at the day, so the George Clooney says he needs to step down. So what I'm showing you on page 17 is the Hebrew calculation was the turning point for everybody to turn on Biden. And exactly what happened. So that's page 17. So the world turned on Biden on the Hebrew calculation at 1260 days. Page and then that basically puts us in a 45 day window into August 17th. So this still stands on the Hebrew calendar. There's another calculation applied below that on 18 and this is simply using three and a half years. He broke the calendar. Now this one's pretty cool because I knew, is like, I just had this feeling in my gut. This something's gonna go down on the 20th of July because if you run three and a half years from January 20th, 2021 in auguration day, three and a half years is July 20th, 2024. It's just a math. It's three and a half years. But are you kidding me? That's Saturday. The next day, the next day, Biden withdraws from the presidential race on the July 21 to the exact day. How did that happen aside from mathematical perfection by the hand of God? You see, this is a perfect example how everything is happening in God's perfect timing. Yeah. And resigning or backing out of the race on a Sunday, very bizarre. That almost never happens. You don't do it on a weekend like that. So that was the day that he did it and it right perfectly in line with your time cycles. That's the point. It's not about me or my time cycle. These are God's time cycles. He shows me how to do math. Does everything I all I know is there are certain days that are really important? I knew this was going to be an important lie based in the calculations. Know what? You just think about this. The fact that it happened to the exact day per the Roman calendar, what the heck, except all you can say is wow is God awesome. Yeah. And this other one you had on July 4th, we had a lot of reporting that he was going to drop out on July 4th. I think the plan was that he was supposed to drop out on July 4th. So I think that one might even be even more than you realize. And then I think Jill stopped it and fought back and she was able to save him off for a few more days. And then we get the actual date here a couple weeks later, but both of those just absolutely spot on. So all right. So that's this yellow arrow. So then the big red one, it looks like we've got some big things in August and September then coming next. Right. So again, you run the Roman calendar that takes us to starting September, third the next seven year window begins. Next seven year window. Okay. Now when you're window began, basically three, it's three and a half and three and a half. So you can basically seven, but three and a half is important in the next three and a half is important and that adds up to a seven. But we start the next seven year window starting September, third onwards. Okay. Let's say next three and a half year window because every three and a half is a transition point that you can call it. So the next bottom line is we're still stepping into another hugely powerful biblical shift in time, starting September, third onward rushing, a Roman calendar if you use the Hebrew calendar of 1260 days, that's August 17th onwards. So regardless, it doesn't matter the day. I'm just saying that August 17th into beginning of September, we're gonna see a huge shift in the start starting here September onwards. But again, even September onwards, no more. We're still in summer. Okay. And so right now, this video you got up to this is Tamulchua Summer and Kim spoke of a Tamulchua Summer. We never knew what that really meant, but the definition again is confusion, change, and uncertainty. Okay. And that's a two-wetsuit, Tamulchua means. You can play the video and you'll come to see that also. You know, there's a, I clipped in the Brandon prophecy that he basically, he's the only one in the world. I wanted to discuss the importance of this. Brandon is the only person in the world that God chose to speak through. That's called a prophet. That foretold a secret. Then to say that again, the secret was the bullet hitting his ear and causing blood to come on the side of his face. That was a secret. There isn't one psychic individual, soothsayer, nobody in the world that got that secret except for Brandon. Why I'm saying that is because when you read Amos, God does nothing before first speaking through his servants, the prophets. So people truly understand the distinct difference between what we've talked about, you know, prophets and psychics or astronomy and astrology. We'll talk about this next. So go ahead and play the video and understand that God spoke through Kim Clement, God spoke through Brandon, and when you put the two pieces together, you're gonna see that Tamulchua's summer and the events, what was prophesied by God. Go ahead and play this. Mm-hmm. Today, I will explore as I will reveal who you have entered into a time and a season of undercover. We'll have a bring out from the covers, the truth for the heavy too many eyes, one lie after the other, covered in high national positions. America, you've got a secure, as you think you are. Wherever there is an uncovering of great people. And I will start from the top. I have shaken the Democrats and will shake the Republicans even more. But remember when these tremors, and when these Tamulchua's moments happen, some of us is, I will take it. Take a look at what happened. Does it happen? No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And then I saw a tent on his line. that this bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum. Eardrum. And I saw, he was, he fell to his knees during this time frame, and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame. And when these Tamulchua's moments happen, some of us is, I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America. Yeah. So when these Tamulchua's moments happen, take it so the fall can do its work in America. You see, all of this was prophesied 10 years ago, or more, and it's happening exactly as prophesied. You know, like we've spoken before, and in our slide deck, I keep showing, I keep going back to the Daniel prophecy, the Daniel II prophecy of the Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and all the kingdoms that would exist after Nebuchadnezzar onwards, it talks with the next two and a half thousand years. Those were all secrets. God revealed his secret of the next kingdoms that would exist, not the next, all the kingdoms that would exist into his return. Think about that. God spoke through Daniel, given interpretation of a dream of the next two and a half thousand years that would exist on earth. Up until his return. How wild is that? Because the prophecy has been perfect so far, but everything that was revealed was the secret. So if you wanna pop on slide five, I wanna have the viewers understand how this works. Almost three versus seven, it says, certainly, the Lord does nothing unless he first reveals his, here it is word, if unless he first reveals his secret to his servant, the prophet, prophets. Why I say that is because Brandon was given the secret. How we've watched the video, how it would hit his ear. Okay. And how it would cause the blood on the side of the S, when he saw, he saw a vision of the bullet flying by and then a blood on the side of his ear. But what I'm showing you, that was a secret. And I wanna have the viewers truly understand the difference between astronomy and astrology. This is important because astronomy is biblical. It's the study of planets. When you read scriptures, Luke, it says, there shall be signs of the sun in the moon and the stars. For the signs and for seasons, the days and the years, it's written in Genesis. Stars, you have, you know, Jesus, the star of Bethlehem. We just experienced, right? The eclipse. So we have eclipses, we have blood moons, right? Of the wise man, of Babylon, you know, the wise man of Herod who watched, you know, what Jesus was born. So all of these things God uses. Satan uses divination, astrology. So it's a zodiacs, horoscopes, stars, other taro cards. It's called divination to predict the future. There is no psychic in the world that's ever predicted two and a half thousand years. And so when you read scriptures, and Deuteronomy, it says, divination, it's to predict the future of evasience, forbidden in the Bible that no one be found among you who practices divination or who is a medium or a spirit or who consults the dead. Because why is a doorway to the demonic? Now why I have this is because there is no, no one, no one that predicted that the bullet would hit Trump's ear except the prophets. Mm-hmm. So why Dean God is nothing before first being through the servants of the prophets? And why I'm hammering on this is so important to understand because from the prophetic standpoint, there's only, you know, we battle, we saw Deuteron, we battle mod against flesh and blood, but principalities, princes of darkness. Okay. So there's two spiritual realms. There's God, the Father, Holy Spirit, Trinity. That's the one. And then the other, what's the other realm? The prince is a darkness. There's only two realms. There's only two realms. And so what I try to show you is there's only two places you're gonna get information. But who got the details of everything? Look at Kim Clement's videos you'll see. Kim Clement's videos are so detailed, nobody in the world has ever been able to predict with such accuracy the things that Kim was prophesying. Why? Because they were all secrets given to him for us to hear. So our God is revealing secrets through his servants to us, the people why. So then we truly can understand what's coming. Because if you understand what's coming, like you and I do our conversations, there's little fear that that's the point, you fear not. God obviously saw this ahead of time and knows how it's all gonna end. And so the ability for us to have gotten this 10 years in advance and now kind of follow along, almost like a movie script is a gift some comfort in those times. Well, go ahead and play the third video number three that I sent you. And before you do that, please go back to the slide deck. I'm sorry, I go back to the slide deck you can. And when you go to the slide, go back to that seven year go to page 17 and you'll see the Biden presidency. What I want people to understand is see, so Trump's in office, we're talking seven year cycles. When you go to page 17, you'll see that there's a Biden presidency starts with inauguration and then it ends on July 4th or you can, or specifically, page 18 says that the Biden presidency ends based on Roman calendar on July 20th. So we have three and a half years, but then what do you see the Biden presidency? Right above that, you see a thing called set aside. See that? Okay, now go play video three and look what Kim Clement was saying, which we all missed this until now it's been revealed, but when you go back play video three, what you'll see is that he was not supposed to be in office right now, go have a listen to his prophecy. He, Kim actually tells us how this is gonna go because Trump had a term and then look what happens. Look what the next, we'll be the first words out of his mouthwork. Amongst them stood one that God had set aside to be the leader of this nation. They will even say, this man is not speaking enough. The God says, I have set him aside. The God says, I have set him aside. And then God says, highly embarrassing moments when another snow did arises. And people will become very afraid. They'll say, we have no protection and then God says, am I impressed with your weapons of war and the Lord, how the enemy has once again planned something. But this time it is completely different. It is not like nine 11. There is nothing like it. This is the most strange infiltration that's what come upon your screens. It shall come upon you in your movie houses. It shall come upon the places of comfort and pleasure and they shall infiltrate and they shall say, well, even blacked them out, we will even cause them to be so terrorized because there is darkness in one section and darkness in another section, long island and Babylon and New York. All these regions, we were blacked it out and then we were caused into our year and understand that we are in charge. You will not do this as you plan. This is one of the most subtle things. The cripple that state and that region because they have the eye on New York again. What's he saying? Trump will be set aside. That's right. What just happened? He was set aside for a season. What's a season? Three and a half of your Daniel cycle. Yep, and now we're coming out of it. That's right. So nothing's random. Everything's happening. How it's supposed to be playing out. That's exactly what's going on right now. And then that takes us to the video number of five if you want to put that one up because this one says what happens after he set aside. He set aside, he then gets baptized by fire and then he comes in for a second term. Go ahead and play video five and you'll come to see everything is happening perfectly. Trump shall become a trumpet. Says the Lord. You're the devil. Trump shall become a trumpet. Are you listening to me? Now God says, I've raised to them and I will bring it to the White House. They will say he's on Godly. He does not know God, but even as Jesus disguised himself for the great feast. So I have disguised the stands are. Listen to the word of the Lord. God says, I will put it to a hell for two terms. I present it that will pray, but he will not be a praying pressure when he starts. I will put it in office and then I will baptize him with a Holy Spirit and my power says the Lord of God. He fell to his knees during this timeframe and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this timeframe. I'm talking, people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming. In the house that you caught. Shall receive the man tonight. For you. In your night. So prophecy being unfolded right in front of us. You just got to know the prophecies and then you go, whoa is our God. Awesome. And that's what's happening. So it's all happening right in front of us as we watch here in summer then heading into August, July. As we head into July, August, September, October and then miss it into year end. So it is gonna just keep getting more crazy. But whatever we've seen so far, we've really seen only a tip of an iceberg. It's gonna get more wild as we head into the election here. So these people are gonna fight fight because they do not want to lose their power. So what a blessed time that we end up living here and this is incredible how all this is playing out perfectly perfectly as prophecy. The are two ees that I see. What ee is the word erupt? The other is earthquake. Many are prophesying about earthquakes. But there is a national park. Where there is an eruption. Under the earth. It is a sign that I shall contain. Hey, that which will try and be destructive in this nation. A volcano as a sign. And then there will be another earthquake says the Lord. Keep your eyes open for this sign is to cause the earth to yield of its produce. That the great ee, they come forth rapidly. This is my promise. It says the Lord, therefore take heed today. As you come to me and strike the rock, I will release that which has been held back from you and cause fire to be sounded in your mouth says the Lord. Summer, summer, riches, to spring. And to fall, I will be the mediator says summer. I will uncover. I will uncover. I will defend my son will shine. But yet the nithy earth, there is a rage. The eruptions, summer says, why choose they me? Why do the tornadoes, the hurricanes choose me? I am summer, I bring smiles, I bring sunshine, I bring warmth. Summer, take it. For that says the Lord, I will prosper my people. I will prosper my people. For the summer, shall bring forth much in the temperatures, strange to light, strange to light. What Kim Clement was talking about here is summer is the mediator. What God revealed to me very clearly is the mediator is a transition point, meaning a shifting point between two major things. So what the major things, the fall of Babylon and the birth of God's new kingdom. So this is a historic moment in time, historic, because this is where truths get revealed. And then Babylon falls and God's kingdom against rise. And what he also talked about there is that in that summer of the mediator, you're going to see earthquakes, eruptions, but also you're going to see an eruption in a national park. And that just happened on the 23rd, we Yellowstone, national park, the biscuit basin exploded. And also, summer, we're supposed to have a very, very hot summer, will those who, if you want to Google it, the hottest day on planet earth in history was July 22nd, 2024. So we're having all of these prophecies be fulfilled right in front of us. You just got to know that their prophecies being fulfilled right in front of us. All right. Well, Bo, do you have any updates on where you see crypto currency? It's just been kind of stagnant. What do you see? Yeah, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, they're holding everything. Everything is been on lockdown as we've seen. OK, it's all on lockdown. And then suddenly, everything will change. So we are in a moment in time that is a secret. And God will not reveal the day he's going to strike these people to take down again the dollar, to collapse the system. But I'm telling you, is between now and to year end, those that listen to us, boy, are they going to be happy? OK, well, if you want to listen to the thoughts that Bo has on that in more detail, we've just about actually we're over time. We can't get into too much more here today. We'll do a bigger update next time Bo's on. But if you'd like to get his detailed newsletter that he puts together, you can get that at It's up on the screen right now. You can go over there. And then when you're signing up for that newsletter type in promo code, WLT49, it's going to save you 50%. So you can get Bo's research. He gives detailed research in that that he can't release here publicly, because that's to be fair to all the people that pay to get his analysis over there. And then I always get a lot of people asking about this one or providing feedback to say how helpful it was. If you are interested in learning about cryptocurrency, but you're a little bit behind the curve right now, go to you can go to this That's going to take even the person that knows absolutely nothing about cryptocurrency. It's if it's very intimidating for you or confusing. And you don't even know where to start. You don't know what websites to trust or who to trust. This will tell you how to get started. Go to You're going to do the same thing over there. I'll put it right at the top of the screen here. You can type in that same WLT49. Give you a 50% off just for listening to this interview. Bo likes to say thank you to everybody that tunes into this. So if you're listening, congratulations on that. And then we'll do a bigger update on where he sees everything. We've done a lot in the past and certainly a lot more to come on where gold, silver, and cryptocurrency is headed. Of course, I can't give you personalized financial advice because I don't know you and I'm not a financial advisor. But as for me, I'm continuing to take the opportunity to stack as much gold, silver, and cryptocurrency as I can here as we sit here. And what I think at least will be pretty historic prices that we may never see again for these types of entries. So Bo, I know you are, you actually stayed over 10 minutes late with us. Sorry about that. I know you've got to get running to your next one. But thank you for joining us. I always like to give you the last word. Go ahead and take us on out here. We're in a massive transition point right now. This is the sum of the mediator time point based on Kim Clement's prophecies. Fasten your seat belts. I believe a lot more is going to happen potentially here into month end yet. We sell C. August is going to be wild. So I look forward to coming back with you here really, really shortly. No, I think we're doing the next, the other one on this week or two because I know a lot's going to be going down. So God bless you. God bless you viewers. And thank you for having me on the other one. God bless. Thank you so much. All right, both. Thank you. We'll see you on the next one.

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