Oak Hill Church of Christ 10-6-24 Message: "Finding Purpose In A Deserted Place"

4 months ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the value of taking time to find peace in our daily lives and becoming closer to God.

The Gospels clue us in on a few things about Jesus. One of them was that he did a lot of walking. Another, surprisingly, is that he took a lot of vacations. They weren't long ones, or to fantastic faraway places. Jesus took humble walks in the woods to get away from the maddening crowds, among other things.

If the Devil came to offer us temptations today, one of them would probably be to check our phones. We live in a world where it seems that life can change in an instant; where we're in constant contact with absolutely every living human on the planet. Through e-mail, text, and social media, it's virtually impossible to get away; to be alone and in private.

Jesus faced the same challenges, just, without the technology. He was thronged constantly, both by those who loved him, and those who despised him. Some people shouted for him to leave, but more and more begged him to stay. They wanted his every moment and all of his attention.

Jesus had a response: he left, and went for a walk in the woods. He spent time with God, he rested, he appreciated the silent beauty of God's Creation. His Father rested on the seventh day to appreciate the silent beauty of His own Creation. The Son did the same.

If you're a child of God who's been in need of a getaway, consider that if God and Jesus valued peace and quiet, maybe you should, too. Find a quiet place this week, and rest. Maybe you'll find something there you couldn't find anywhere else.

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