Daniel Broudy, PhD - The Convergence of Data and Flesh

4 months ago

Long recognized as the most unpredictable aspect of the celebrated business transaction, humans are being psychologically prepared to labor in pens of what is claimed to address the need to increase human speed and efficiency if, it’s claimed, we are to compete against smart machines.

The technocracy has clarified the message that humans are incapable of contending in the New Normal with a new class of sustainable workers. Should the present march toward subordination to Artificial Intelligence continue, we can expect to see humans submitting their natural rights to bodily autonomy to the technocracy possessing the means to mark the masses with new codes of obedience. Crucial to the process of extracting value from people coerced into new spaces of productivity is conditioning them to see that their worth comes from their sacrifice to the false system of buying and selling.

This talk presents analysis of new forms of technocratic control over humans and the assumptions that cast humans as animals whose numbers must be moderated, manipulated and managed by the owners of the world.


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