Street Preacher gets Stopped at PRIDE! BUT is this Two Tier Policing!? 🏳️‍🌈🚔✝️

3 months ago

IN THIS VIDEO: Pride or prejudice? ✝️🚔🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

As I write this I do so with a heart that is heavy but yet challenged with what we saw today in Newcastle.
Today we went and set up in our usual spot to preach the gospel as we have done across the cities of the UK for four years.
But today in Newcastle it was the pride parade!
what we saw today, what we heard today and what happened to us today Shows just how sick this generation is.

This is not about “LOVE or acceptance ”
Today we saw probably over 10,000 people March through the streets and as they past us sharing the gospel many of them said the most depraved things about Jesus, they did the most depraved acts with one another to prove a point, many of them wearing literally nothing, throwing things, flashing
And all in the presence of children!

As I continued to share the gospel police officers intentionally stood next to us and even as the crowd booed swore and did all the fore mentioned us nothing was done.

But what was done was the officers grabbed me and tried to pull me off the step attempting to stop the gospel being preached with threats of being “dispersed”.
After pulling out our documents to that show what legal rights were they “changed their mind”.

However when I attempted to ask the officers about their bias, position and lack of willing to talk to me on this issue they all left. I asked for numbers and opportunities to discuss that how as a Christian I can feel that I will be treated fairly when they act like this and pull up on pride coloured cars.

I am left feeling very disappointed but motivated
It has never been so clear how demonic this movement is. (See images above)
A little bit later on Wesley was howled at by Old men dressed as dogs in leather , assaulted and Ethan was yelled at by “Christians” claiming that we don’t need the Bible just compromise and love people.
This is the reality of what goes on.

However this in the mist of all of the bottle there was many important, respectful and emotional conversations that saw people coming to repentance and placing faith in Christ as Lord and saviour.
A huge thank you yet again to all who faithfully love and support us. I’m very much aware of how polarising things like this all but the gospel must be preached to all people with a genuine love genuine desire to see people come to Jesus.
Much love

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All offerings go directly to the streets through tracts, food parcels and outreach materials.

And if you want to support us financially, please do make sure you do so prayerfully, joyfully and not under compulsion. God bless you all and we press on in Jesus name.

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