Asparagus Patch!

5 months ago

We got Millenium, Jersey and Purple Haze yall!! Asparagus has enough nutrients naturally occurring to be considered WILD! In the book Life Changing Foods by Anthony William, he says there’s a spiritual lesson coming from this powerful food,

"When we harvest asparagus, it's really just a sprout on its way to becoming a much larger plant. If we were to let asparagus fern out and go to seed, though, it would become woody and inedible. Over time, humans have learned to recognize when a spear of asparagus is at its peak for consumption. It's a lesson that transfers to our own lives. Sometimes people push circumstances too far, aiming for more and more growth, trying to see something through to the bitter end. We don't always have to let a full cycle play out. We can learn to recognize when a project, meeting, or conversation has reached its best moment, and to gracefully end it at that point, harnessing the power of that peak time for the best ultimate outcome.”

I can tell you with certainty, this lesson has been useful for me this past year! THANKS FOR WATCHING AND KEEP GROWING YOUR SOUL!!


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