Hybrid War Against Our Children

4 hours ago

At all times children have been a chosen instrument of self-appointed “would-be rulers“ to push through their destructive plans and ideologies. Many despots already shamelessly exploited their accessible minds. But it has never been as obvious as it is today that our children in particular, and we together with them, find ourselves in the midst of an all-front war. And no matter where you turn your eye, our children are at the center of their attention. They are like defenseless lambs surrounded by insatiable wolves.

KlaTV has summarized only a few of the reports that reach us on an almost daily basis in order to illustrate you, dear viewers, the significance and omnipresent nature of these destructive forces that try to rob our children‘s light-heartedness and their protection. The facilities, in particular, that are supposed to serve our children as “shelter“ are increasingly becoming a tool in the hands of these ‘wolves‘.

This program sheds light on 6 main topics children are targeted with:

● Attack on Children Through Legislative Authority
● Attack on Children Through Educational Institutions
● Attack on Children Through the Church
● Attack on Children Through the Healthcare System
● Attack on Children Through the Financial World
● Attack on Children Through Digitalization and the Entertainment Industry
● Attack on Children Through Legislative Authority

Legislative Relieving for Pedophile Sex Offenders

In May 2024, the German government decided quietly and unnoticed from the public that the possession and distribution of child pornography does no longer constitute a criminal offense in Germany! Yes, you heard right. The minimum punishment was reduced from one year imprisonment to only three to six months and the crime was downgraded to a simple misdemeanor!
The reason for this was that Germany‘s Justice Minister Buschmann argued that parents and teachers who had shared child pornography with other parents in order to warn against it, would have had to be investigated. Apart from the question why the photo material must necessarily be attached to the warning, journalist Julian Reichelt had already done his research at the end of 2023 to find out that only ONE such case had indeed been sued. Buschmann‘s justification is absurd when you realize that every child pornography photo or video derives from a real, often serious crime of child abuse. But instead of deterrence, harsh punishment and consistent social ostracism, the German government prefers to cuddle up with pedophiles. And they are already rejoicing: the notorious pro-pedophile activist group “Krumme 13“ has extensively praised the change in law on its blog. They even go one step further and demand that MPs apologize to all those who were “victims“ of the 2021 law. [The law had been tightened in 2021]

Pedophile Sex Offenders are Allowed to go Wild with Child Marriages

The investigative journalist Thomas Röper published an article on Anti-Spiegel about the “legalization of paedophilia“. US Democrats are gradually legalizing paedophilia in the USA. Through lobbying work, the word “pedophile“ is to be avoided in the media to be replaced, for example, by the wording “people who are attracted to minors“. Pedophilia should no longer be defined as a criminal offense, but as an “unchangeable sexual orientation“. Pedophiles themselves should no longer suffer from stigmatization.

Nathan Larson, a candidate for Congress in the US-state of Virginia, publicly said in 2018 that sex between an adult and a child was permissible if they were married, even if one of them was only ten years old. In fact, the minimum legal age for marriage in US states is shocking.
The minimum age starts at 14, although some cases of ten-year-old married couples in recent years have been documented. Equally shocking is the mild punishment for sex with children.
Journalists analyzed Californian public criminal databases and found that of the 7.000 offenders convicted of lewd or perverted acts against persons under the age of 14, none had spent more than one year in prison! Instead of using the alarming statistics as an opportunity to take tougher action against pedophilia, California is passing laws that support child abuse.
In 2020, a law was passed in California on the initiative of gay californian Senator Scott Wiener, that does not recognize a pedophile as a sex offender under certain circumstances if the age difference between the offender and the victim was ten years or less. Is it not the child‘s age that is decisive for a criminal offense of abuse rather than the age difference to the adult?

Attack on Children Through Educational Institutions:

Sex Films in Elementary School

A curriculum change in Austria has implemented a comprehensive sex education since autumn 2023, and children are specifically sexualized in most of all school subjects. A teacher in the Austrian district of Vöcklabruck has repeatedly disturbed primary school children with explicit sex education lessons. The teacher showed third graders real photos of various sexual practices. Following complaints from parents, the teacher and the school management merely promised to refrain from such inappropriate content in future, and no sanctions were imposed.
But just one year later, this bad influence was repeated. The teacher informed the parents only about an unproblematic workshop with a midwife. But instead, the primary school children were given detailed explanations of disturbing sexual practices, such as oral sex, in words and pictures. Among other things, she said that you can also have sex even if “you don‘t like each other that much“! She also showed the class a pornographic movie in which she rewound the scene with the sex act over and over again and forced the children to watch the scene. The teacher advised the children that they were not allowed to talk about the movie with their parents or anyone else! The matter came to light only after two girls reported nightmares after they had seen the movie, in which they were raped.

Dr. Felix Böllmann, lawyer at ADF International (Alliance Defending Freedom: Human Rights Defence) said: “It is unbelievable what has happened here. (...) Parents have the primary right and responsibility to make decisions about the upbringing and education of their children.“ „Parents should know about the background (...) of “sexual education of diversity“ and be informed about the risk of abuse. Children have a right to first-class teaching and must be protected from ideology (...).“

This incident in Austria is unfortunately not an isolated case and is representative for many other violations of the dignity of our children by schools and teachers.

As a reminder, today‘s sex education is based on the WHO standards for sexual education. They were developed in 2010 by the well-known sex educator Uwe Sielert. According to his official recommendations, 4-year-olds should be introduced to masturbation and primary school children should learn the criteria for “acceptable sex“. According to WHO standards, orgasm and the development of gender identity should also be taught in elementary school. Uwe Sielert has learned from the criminal Helmut Kentler, who in the 1970s and 1980s placed children in the care of pedophiles with criminal records for the purpose of an experiment, which was sponsored by the Berlin Senate Administration.

[KentlerGate – Child abuse under state responsibility: www.kla.tv/26172]

Schoolchildren to Receive Digital IDs

Germany‘s Lower Saxony‘s Minister of Education Julia Willie Hamburg wants all pupils to receive an individual identification number from their start of school. She explained: “At its core, the pupil ID is about showing the educational history of every pupil.“ The ID is intended to prevent children and young people from getting lost in the system. (...) “Everyone should have the chance to graduate.“ The project is to be implemented by 2027. Ms. Hamburg, however, did not disclose what exactly will be stored on the ID and who will have access to the data. She argued that during Covid “ (...) students had disappeared from the education system (...)“.
But let‘s remember what brought this situation about: The unjustified school closures, the undignified and dangerous mask requirement, the forced isolation, the constant scaremongering about being a danger to relatives and much more were the cause for many student‘s loss of performance. The completely senseless harassments the children had been subjugated to during the Corona madness are now even serving as a reason for their complete surveillance. Through the back door and, as always, under the pretext of just wanting to help children, the total surveillance of citizens is now supposed to start at an early age.

Child Tracking With Electronic Wristbands

A project at the Swiss elementary school in Birmensdorf wanted to test a tracking solution in the area of day structures in order to be able to monitor the whereabouts of pupils at all times. Staff should be “actively informed“ if a child would leave the premises without permission. It was argued that caregivers having to spend “up to ten minutes“ looking for one child would no longer guarantee the care of the other children.
The whole idea came from the schools‘ principal Joel Giger, who is also the technology supplier for the tracking system!

Myriam Ziegler, Head of the Canton of Zurich‘s Education Department, and Bettina Köhler, President of the Birmensdorf School Governing Board, did not see any problematic connections here. Köhler told the NZZ newspaper: “Those responsible for the day structures at Birmensdorf school can gain new insights through the pilot project and at the same time offer the company the opportunity to test the product with specialist persons.“
Did anyone actually wonder about how the children were doing with the electronic handcuffs? Felons wear shackles, do children wear handcuffs? Some parents and data protection officers were critical of the project. It was stopped for the time being. Will “a chip under the skin“ await us to be the next “much better“ solution? A bracelet could be removed at any time...

Democracy Tutoring for Pupils – because they voted “wrong“

One Anne Frank School in Hesse, Germany, conducted a so-called junior election with its pupils on the occasion of the EU elections. The result was apparently not very satisfactory, the school management suddenly spoke of a result “we don‘t want to simply accept“. Approximately 84% of pupils who voted did so as follows: With 26.7%, the CDU was a wafer-thin margin ahead of the AfD with 25.7% and the SPD with 19.9%. The “Partei“ with 4.2% and “Die Linke“ (Left Party) with 3.7% came way behind. Other parties together accounted for 19.8%.
The board of teachers met with the chair of the parents‘ council in a specially scheduled staff meeting to discuss the “outrageous“ outcome of the junior election. The newly declared goal was “To shape political education at our school in such a way that pupils develop a deeper understanding of the meaning and achievements of our democracy“.
Instead of getting to the bottom of what motivated the students to make their choice, since they obviously seemed dissatisfied with something, the principal emphasizes: “As an Anne Frank School, an European School and a ‘Courage‘ School, we want to show our stance. We are committed to ensuring that respect, tolerance and democratic values are recognized, lived and appreciated – not only at our school, but in society as a whole.“ In plain language: According to the school administration, only those who are able and willing to put their cross in the “right“ place have “recognized democratic values“ – even if it is “only“ in a junior election at their own school. The impact on students was a “Democracy tutoring“ with politicians and even more intensive cooperation with external political education institutions.

War Preparations in Schools:

According to “Welt“, Education Minister Stark-Watzinger wants to prepare children for crises and war in the classroom! The German Teachers‘ Association welcomes the demand. “The war in Ukraine is creating a new awareness of military threats, which also needs to be conveyed in schools,“ said the President of the German Teachers‘ Association, Stefan Düll, to “Bild am Sonntag“. He expects the Federal Minister to now seek talks with the education ministers in the federal states. “A declaration of intent is not enough, we now need to educate about the Ukraine war and the pan-European, indeed global threat situation in politics lessons,“ said Düll. In Germany, people know far too little about the Bundeswehr. “There has been a peace-and-joy atmosphere far too long,” criticised the association president. Youth officers could be a “useful support“ in the classroom because they are “trustworthy representatives to help students understand the threat of war“. They could be used for “content for politics lessons and the cross-curricular goal of democracy and peace education”.

In addition to learning arithmetic, writing and reading, hasn‘t school life focused so far firstly on social skills, dealing peacefully with one another, and secondly on standing up for world peace? How are military exercises in schools supposed to promote peaceful convictions?

Attack on Children Through the Church:

Just to name one example, the Vatican organized the so-called World Children‘s Day in May 2024 at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. A well-known Italian transvestite was invited to offer the children a great drag show. He danced in women‘s clothes and lewd cardboard costumes, lifted up his skirt and stuck his butt out at the children. The children there sat in a circle around him, thousands of other children watched from the screen.

The former papal nuncio Carlo Maria Vigano made a clear statement about this shameless staging on X:
“It is now clear that Bergoglio (the pope‘s surname) is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ agenda. There are no more words to express the scandal and disgust, in the complicit and cowardly silence of the Episcopate [body of bishops]. Whoever scandalises even one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone turned into a donkey’s wheel were hung around his neck, and he were cast into the depths of the sea.“ (Mt 18:6)

The Pope does not seem to care that an entire future generation is being attacked in their sense of shame and dignity. He continues to defend the LGBTQ agenda, abusing his authority and promoting global gender confusion.

Attack on Children Through the Health Service:

UNESCO and WHO are calling on countries to make every school a health-promoting school.
According to the WHO, a health-promoting school is designed to continuously create a healthy living, learning and working environment. At first glance, this sounds plausible and good. However, such a goal would require comprehensive collection and analysis of health data from students and staff – an ideal breeding ground for comprehensive surveillance. The pharmaceutical industry would also be a beneficiary, as it could enter schools with special health promotion programs. But let us not forget that the WHO was largely responsible for school closures during the plandemic, demanding a mass vaccination quota of a highly dangerous and untested injectable drug on our children and harassing them with health-damaging mask and testing requirements.
Let‘s just not believe that the same WHO will suddenly be concerned about the well-being of our children. Instead, we could be threatened with compulsory vaccinations in schools without parental consent, as has happened so often in Eastern European or African countries in the past. And now the school, which core competence is teaching, is supposed to take over the tasks of our family doctor and once again dictate how we should treat our children?

Attack on Children Through the Financial World:

Even very young children are supposed to be accustomed to cashless payments. Many banks and financial companies offer a children‘s credit card with a corresponding app for free. Parents can load money onto the card via an app. Some providers do not even specify a minimum or maximum age. In this way, a playful introduction to the world of digital finance, where digital transactions are omnipresent, should take place as early as possible. Paying with cash will be quite unfamiliar for the next generation. At the same time, the young generation is being deprived of knowing which freedom they have been robbed of.

However, today‘s parents can fight for freedom and free handling of money out of responsibility for their children. It is better to be tied to cash and free than to be digitally networked and enslaved.

Attack on Children Through the Digitalization and the Entertainment Industry:

According to a study data from the BZgA [Federal Center for Health Education], around 96 percent of young people aged 12 to 17 use the internet daily, primarily for communication and entertainment purposes. Digital media consumption increased for both girls and boys from around 23 hours per week in 2019 to around 26 hours per week in 2023. This screen time, which deprives children of their creativity, is promoted and financed by governments! In the last five years, the federal government sponsored 200 million euros to game developers. Every year, 50 million euros were available from Habeck‘s office. In Germany, computer games have officially been considered a cultural asset since 2008! The cultural council made this decision on the flimsy grounds that numerous games are dedicated to the environment and climate change. But the computer games that teenagers often play, are used by the military to harden and brutalize young soldiers, so that they regard their enemies not as human beings anymore and are therefore ready to attack them ruthlessly.

The so-called “socials“ are also a hot topic for young people. According to a Guardian report from 2021, 7 percent of all children in the UK attempted suicide by the age of 17 and almost one in four carried out an act of self-mutilation. Girls were particularly affected. One reason given for this was that “social media might be a toxic environment“. For example, according to internal documents, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg were aware of the fact that 32 percent of teenage girls felt worse after using Instagram when they had already felt bad before.

It is advisable not to abandon our children to this toxic media environment, keeping in mind that similarly children being on drugs will never be able to make decisions for their own good because the digital environment is simply too dazzling for them.


Dear viewers, this was just a small selection of these frightening developments. Topics such as ritual abuse, sexual offenses among children, health policies causing illness, unlawful child abduction, child trafficking and many more subject matters cannot be listed here due to their extent. KlaTV has already produced several in-depth programs, which we will show in the credits.

from wou/abu
Attack on Children Through Legislative Authority



Attack on Children Through Educational Institutions







Attack on Children Through the Church



Attack on Children Through the Healthcare System

Attack on Children Through the Financial World

Attack on Children Through Digitalization and the Entertainment Industry









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