Shocking Truth Behind a Cheating Wife: The Scandal You Won't Believe

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Shocking Truth Behind a Cheating Wife: The Scandal You Won't Believe
I arrived earlier that day... earlier than usual. It was supposed to be a surprise, one of those nice ones, you know? At least, that's what I thought.

I left work feeling excited, already imagining how I was going to spend the rest of the afternoon with Ana. It had been a long time since we'd been able to enjoy it together, you know how it is... the rush of life, everything too fast. But... fate had other plans for me.

As soon as I pulled into the garage, I felt something was wrong. Ana's car was there, in its usual place... but there was another car too. A black sedan that I had never seen before in my life. I thought it might belong to a friend or visitor... although she hadn't mentioned anyone coming.

When I opened the door to the house, my stomach did a little flip... you know? That weird feeling... The house was quiet... too quiet. No sound of cooking, no music, no TV... just silence.

I called out:
- Ana, I'm home!

No answer.

My instinct was already telling me that something was wrong. But I tried to ignore it... “Maybe she's asleep or in the bath”, I thought. But even so, I walked down the corridor, slowly... foot by foot, cautiously. Until I heard...

Men's laughter, coming from the bedroom. My heart started pounding in my chest, but I still didn't want to believe what my head was already drawing. With each step, the voices became clearer. Ana's voice... soft, intimate. And then more laughter. It was a man.

I stopped in front of the door. My hand trembled on the handle... I didn't know if I wanted to open it. Part of me still hoped that I was wrong, that there was some other explanation. But deep down... I already knew.

I opened the door.

And there they were. Ana and him, lying on our bed. Their clothes lying on the floor... like discarded lies.

- Lucas...? - Ana gasped, trying to cover herself anyway. But it was too late. The damage had been done.

The guy... a stranger to me... just stood there, staring at me like a deer staring at the headlights of a car. But I didn't even want to know who he was. All I could feel was the betrayal... burning in me, like a fire you can't put out.

I... I couldn't even speak. I just stood there, looking at them. Trying to understand what I was seeing.

How long had this been going on? How many times had I left the house, trusting her, while she did it behind my back?

Finally, Ana broke the silence, her voice shaking:
- Lucas... I... I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to find out like that...

- Find out? - I repeated, my voice cold, distant. - How long ago, Ana?

She hesitated... looked away, at the guy... before whispering:
- A few months.
I still can't believe it,” I thought, as her words hit me like a punch in the gut. Months. Months of lies... of betrayal. How could I not have realized it before?

I clenched my fists, trying to contain the rage that rose like a tide inside me. All I could ask was:
- Why?

She remained silent. Maybe she didn't have an answer, or... maybe she didn't want to say. Either way, it didn't matter anymore. The truth was there, stark, open. And there was no turning back.

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