Disclaimer on Hidden Meaning in my Rumble content

5 months ago

This video is a transparency disclaimer. My objective is to explain that the colors, gestures and occasional inaccuracies uttered in my video content constitute a form of ENCRYPTED MESSAGING. The inaccuracies are a DELIBERATE adaptation to the post-Truth / post-Trust cultural environment prevalent in The Collective West this side of 2015. The methodology for embedding hidden meaning in my content is derived from the Occult cartomancy of Marie Anne Le Normand. The key to decipher the meanings are found in the weblog The Second Necronomicon on blogger.

My content (both overt and hidden meanings) is meant to be expressed aesthetically as experimental video art.

CLARIFICATION: The official name of Napoleon's embassy in Stockholm circa 1808 was "The French Legation". In that last year of the Consulate; Napoleon was concerned mainly with the Peninsular War.


The First Imperium Francicum was established a year later in 1809.


The Second Necronomicon

The Sophia of The Hidden Chapel



The Case for the Conspiratorial view of History >>> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/489704.The_Unseen_Hand


Le Normand Cards from U.S. Games >>>

Lo Scarabeo After Tarot >>>

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