🚨General Flynn REVEALS Dark Truth - Happening In Appalachia: '1000's Are Dead...' (10.04.24) The benny Johnson Show

10 hours ago

NOTES ON VIDEO: General Flynn: 150 counties in various states are complete disaster zones, biblical proportions that the federal government is not helping. In NC there are over 1000 killed in body bags, and there are many for which there are no body bags .

Flynn estimates over 2000 dead. There are towns completely cut off, and homes are gone. Weather conditions are misty and wet at night, temperatures are low 30’s, by end of the month will have freezing conditions and possible snow. People are walking around with nothing. Flynn, “The Federal Government has done nothing.”

When they talk about ‘FEMA is out of money’ or ‘the Federal Government is out of money”, first of all it’s our money. Our government has Disaster Recovery Response Funds and Congress (Flynn talks directly to Speaker Johnson here) can reallocate funds – some funds being spent overseas on something we don’t need to be part of – Congress can reallocate funds with one simple vote, actually it’s the Speaker of the House that can do that. So Flynn doesn’t want people to accept that ‘we’re out of money’ from the Government because Speaker of the House can reallocate money from one line item to another line item. The Speaker can do it, and the President can do it without a pen – just direct these funds to go to that emergency

5:02 Minute mark

The President of the United States has the ability to call out and Federalize the National Guard. Flynn estimates that we have an army division’s worth of need - a force of roughly 15,000- 20,000. We can get them right now with all of the logistics, communications, ‘tennage’ (ransomnote:I didn’t find the term with Internet search), mobile kitchen trailers, water purification etc. He said if he were in charge he would want an entire division. Since the National Guard has to go through a process, Flynn would prefer the 82nd Air Division 3 hour drive away from the western hills of North Carolina. The 82nd Division have capabilities to be there in 2 hours, 4 hours, 24 hours with large packages of everything that Nick was just talking about.

Flynn has representatives on the ground in NC collecting intel and an assessment of the area, these are the guys telling Flynn how many body bags they're out of, how many they still need, areas that they have not gotten into.
Some of the stories we were told, and have been fixed - and Flynn will explain how they were fixed, there were X North Carolina forestry helicopters sitting idle at Hickory airfield in North Carolina for 5 days. The pilots knew the area impacted and were frustrated because they were basically told, 'Don't do anything.' The pilots would call up and offer to help because flying in the mountains is best done by pilots with experience in that specific terrain. Flynn said he made one phone call to Lt. Gov Mark Robinson. Robinson said nobody was answering their phone in the governors office, no one answer his calls to the Department of Homeland Security, he was calling up to the White House. Mark took the initiative to drive to the airport to direct the pilots to take action under his authority, and Flynn doesn't know what authority Mark has, and the pilots thanked him and went to work, after 5 days idle, and offering to help.

Flynn says there are so many stories of incompetence, ineptitude and intentionality.

FEMA: FEMA has a small element on the ground. There are no signs to indicate to the public that FEMA is present or helping, or supplies are on their way etc. FEMA staff were told not to address anyone who comes up for help, just tell them they are sitting tight and waiting for supplies (this occurred the morning of Octorber 4). A little further from Hickory, in the greater Asheville area.

Biden should pick up the phone and direct the National Command Authority, which means Dept of Defense, Secretary of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA and other federal institutions to mobilize. Flynn believes they should be placed under the command and control of a military unit because this is a military disaster relief operation; he has been part of many such operations. He describes these rescue operations as 'simple' because these are Americans. Flynn knows of Ft Bragg military taking leave in order to go help those in the disaster area.


Rank and file soldiers understand the need and are watching this unravel, looking to our government which is doing nothing, absolutely nothing.

This is so outrageous. You look at this and say, "Why? What are they doing?" Everybody knows $750 bucks is ridiculous.

People need to understand that when they say, "Build Back Better" they mean to destroy the entire system and build it back, in their image. Flynn says he means this statement precisely, and intentionally. These people are intent on destroying this country.

There are stories which sicken Flynn coming from Flynn's sources on the ground (good people, good reporting) about looters and a lot of gun shots, a lot of gun fights to get rid of looters by some of the locals, and some of the recovery assets. They are finding children with ropes on their arms - they were tied to trees by their parents (the parents died) but the kids were recovered. There are allegations of illegals raping children in the disaster zone. This is brutal.

This is a war zone. And that's what Flynn means when he says a disaster is like a war zone. And nefarious people show up in war zones. Some ask for support etc. you have to be very careful about who you support, where the money is going up in this area. It's a gigantic area of operations.

The only way to have a good recovery effort is to activate at least a brigade. This scale and scope of this disaster exceeds the capacity of the National Guard, although they could put a good general up there to make decisions. There are interstate boundaries to deal with (ransomnote: jurisdiction?) so it has to come from the federal government.

For the federal government to say, 'We're out of money' is total b*** s***. Flynn stresses this point while asking the public, "Excuse my Irish." There are funds and the President can redirect them.

Speaker Johnson has the authority to stand up right now. He has the authority to move money from one account to another to help these people.

Our Congress, our House should be so public right now - they should be in front of the public demanding that the President help these people.

We're going to have over 2000 dead from a hurricane, a hurricane. This is so big – aside from dead dispersed throughout the disaster zone, entire segments of Interstate 40 - an entire mountainside came down. They are talking about well over a year to repair that.

“This is so big that, Kamala can take her $750 and put it where you know the sun doesn’t shine.


(the sound cuts out for a few seconds right after Flynn said that)

Flynn says he hates to say it because it sounds like he’s crazy, butting this up right as we are coming up on the most consequential election in history just “smells bad, it tastes bad.” It’s the old thing, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck. We have a problem right now. This government is intentionally doing nothing.

So don’t’ let anyone say, “There’s no money” and “there’s no resources.” Both can be there in a moment’s notice. We’re already 8 days too late. For the 82nd Airborne Division, and the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg North Carolina (now called Fort Liberty) for those forces to just sit there….what? Are they waiting to go to the Ukraine? Are they waiting to go to the Middle East? [expletive] Flynn has spent more than half his career at that base. ‘tennage’, clothing, food, logistics, bridging, trucks, air mobility, they have more than a brigades worth of aviation assets, command and control capabilities. There are areas like fairgrounds to set up there. Even the army has bulldozers, cranes – the full complement of capabilities. You clear an area, set up, start flying planes and you actually run it like a war zone.


Because it is a war zone. Actually, it’s worse than a war zone – you’ve seen the pictures. We need to do it now- right now. Flynn is thankful Ron DeSantis sent some bridging assets up there from the National Guard.

Other governors have to come together – if Joe Biden is not there, he is not there, he needs to be 25th amendment-ed out. Kamala has no concept of what Flynn has said. Lloyd Austen should be ashamed of himself. As Secretary of Defense, he knows what the US military is capable of doing – all complements (National Guard, Reserves, Active Duty). Right now he needs to put an active duty in there for, let’s say, 30 days and bring in other search and rescue, other civilian capacity in this country.

There’s a great church up there, setting up operations – Flynn said it has a great pastor. He knows of another couple of organizations bringing in truckloads of food, shelter, warm clothes, money which will help pay for fuel services - 6 private helicopters are working that area, private guys who normally get phone calls from FEMA. These guys are the top end of search and rescue, FEMA never called them. So they are up there on their own because they care what’s going on. They have about 6 helicopters and need to pay for fuel, Fuel suppliers in that area are providing fuel at half price but it’s running out, so we need to get fuel up there.

If we keep trying to this with only private citizens, it harkens back to the retreat from Afghanistan – the loss of 13 beautiful lives, we left other Americans there. I mean, they’re still Americans, right? So private citizens stepped up and started to conduct rescue operations in the Middle East – the most difficult part of the world. Now we’re talking about right here, in our own front yard. This is not our back yard, this is our front yard, America, and we have the full capabilities to address it. And it’s our money, don’t let anybody say we don’t have enough money. We’re in a new fiscal year – there’s money.

The death count will be north of 2000 people, and billions and billions of property loss, peoples lives. Joe Biden didn’t even know which storm was referred to – he had to ask. [expletive] Flynn notes he’s getting his Irish on and says he will calm his voice because we have people, American people at risk, that have died, that have lost every single thing that they own, and we have the full ability in this country to take care of them right now and probably for the next 90 days, or longer. We can put them up, like we put illegal’s up, in hotels. These are all things I know we are capable of doing. The military can get in there and at least put them in tents, plywood homes, trailers. There is so much we can do, but our government is on its rear end doing nothing, hoping it will affect our elections, particularly in places like Georgia, like North Carolina

Flynnn wants Donald Trump back in office and says Trump needs an entire battalion of people around him to prevent his assassination by, some of them might be Iranians, some of them people in our own government working with Mexican cartels and working with other criminal elements to kill him.


As Jack Posobiec has correctly said, there are other plots afoot. From Flynn’s perspective, not speaking for Trump, ‘God help those people if we get back into office.’ This is insane – what Mother Nature did and what our government has failed to do. Flynn will give Benny Johnson the names of organizations that are helping, people that he trusts.

In North Carolina – Selma, Flynn says ‘We’ve turned our entire ‘ReAwaken America’ event, planned months ago, into a humanitarian assistance relief effort. He says they’re also going to be in Charlotte helping Donald Trump with a big event, and they will turn that into a relief effort as well. Flynn connects people – he has a large network, mostly hard working military patriots who know what a crisis is. So he’s coordinating individual groups – and urges the video host to connect people. Flynn has trucks, helicopters, fuel (for heat, too). Home Depot, Lowes, please kick in.

General Flynn, "We've got to take this Country back.. because if we don't take this Country back , what we're seeing right now & the responsiveness of our government, we're going to see it in spades!" -

"These people have dark souls."
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VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v5hh231-the-benny-johnson-show-america-first-helps-devastated-hurricane-victims-kam.html

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