Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown will vote to NUKE the Senate Filibuster

1 day ago

Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown will vote to NUKE the Senate Filibuster

I realize it’s cliché to say this, but unless you’re a couple hundred years old, this is the most important election in America history. If Sherrod Brown & Jon Tester are able to survive the challenges against them next month (and it’s looking increasingly unlikely, Tester is in deep trouble, Montanans are not buying what he’s selling) & the Senate is a 50-50 deadlock w/ a Democrat House & Willie Brown’s overweight mistress in the WH – they will be subjected to enormous pressure to NUKE the Senate Filibuster on January 3rd.

Tester may talk out of his rear end on this, trying to make you think he’s a moderate & he won’t do this, but don’t believe it, he’s lying. He will be pressured, much like the Blue Dog Democrats were pressured in 2010 to pass ObamaCare – he will be pressured relentlessly to vote to break the Filibuster.

The overweight Kamala Harris has been very open about ending the Filibuster to pass a “you can get abortions at nine months no questions asked & taxpayers will pay for it” bill, but I doubt she & her cronies will stop there

[NOTE: Trump & Vance are doing what they should do on this issue IMO, leave the federal government out of it. (scroll to 45:46) Democrats don’t like this as they try to nationalize as much as possible. Why have 50 “laboratories of democracy” as the old saying goes when you can have a one-size-fits-all pile of dung? If we have no Federal Dept. of Education, most states aren’t going to be gung-ho to talk to preteens about incestuous oral sex & others will brainwash their kids, they cannot read, balance their checkbook or get a job, but at least they know they can “transform” from a boy to a girl or vice versa – they know their pronouns too. They can’t read them, but they can recite them. This is why it’s important that each state get to decide their education policy, because if we have one policy & it sucks, that’s bad for everyone. Iowa will do it right, California will continue to churn out idiots that will never enter the labor force.

If I were a Pedocrat, I would try to ram amnesty for as many illegal aliens as possible (because meritorious immigration expands the labor force, not the welfare state) & stack the Supreme Court w/ 4 Ruth Bader Ginsburg clones.

If they’re able to hypothetically ram through 4 SCOTUS nominations in two years, prior to the midterms they could do damage that would take generation to fix, if at all.

If Tester & Brown survive, w/ a Democrat House & Willie Brown’s mistress in the WH, do you think they’ll stop at putting Roe on steroids, abortions at 9 months for any reason whatsoever (“my body my choice” apparently doesn’t apply to vehicles, COVID vaccines & eschewing union membership) & infants who survive abortion attempts will be left to rot. There’s nothing extreme about Iowa’s abortion law that was passed by the Legislature & signed by Governor Kim Reynolds, the Democrats want third-trimester election abortions (no exceptions) & they want you to pay for it. Exceptions for rape, incest & the health of the mother is not enough, they want the full Monty & want to nationalize it. They’re extremists, akin to the Cult of Molech. I digress.

[NOTE: Here are Democrats opposing efforts to try & save babies who survive abortion procedures * * * * * ]

They won’t stop at Roe extremism, they’re going to try to national massive public works projects to house illegal alien migrants in YOUR TOWN, they’re going to make sure male predators can “change” their gender & hang out w/ your preteen daughter while she dresses. They want to nationalize that, even though it’s biophysically impossible to “change” your gender. Even if you’re a hermaphrodite & had a mix-up in your downstairs plumbing, you’re still one or the other, period.

Those 4 new SCOTUS justices will “find” that the Second Amendment never really ensconced a right for Joe-Six-Pack to bear arms, it’s not for We The People, it’s for the military & police.

Amending the Constitution & erasing the 2nd Amendment will never happen, this is their only play & it could happen if Tester & Brown are in the Senate this January. You think they’ll stop at Roe? No, they will not.

Here are the all-important votes in the Senate back in 2013 where “Dingy” Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for some judicial nominations & Cabinet nominees. Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown both voted to nuke the Senate Filibuster (see where I discussed several topics, including Pedocrat hypocrisy on the Filibuster) & weaken it, they’ll do it again in January. That vote allowed other nominees to sail through without the usual 3/5 requirement. Mitch McConnell told Harry Reid that he’ll regret this day & after 3 Donald Trump SCOTUS nominees, the old man did.

If Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown survive their elections next month, they’ll vote to destroy the Senate Filibuster so they can give amnesty to untold numbers of illegal aliens & give them “free” housing in your quiet, rural area. They’ll stack the SCOTUS w/ 4 lunatics who will shred the Second Amendment & a whole host of evil acts. Kamala & Chuck Schumer will likely push for surprise gun inspections, just to make sure white, rural gunowners are “storing” their weapons properly & of course, gun registration lists will be compiled. Obama’s ATF already got dinged for that years ago, it’s on their agenda. Kamala wants to nuke the filibuster to enact mandatory gun buybacks. One of the reasons the Founders put the 4th Amendment in the Constitution was because the British Crown violated that so often. It was put in the Bill of Rights as a pushback to tyrannical government.

Vote both of these knuckleheads out next month. If you’re a swing voter in Ohio or Montana or know someone who is, I urge you, get to the polls & vote for Bernie Moreno & Tim Sheehy. Tester & Brown must be defeated. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back.

PS I am not saying George W. Bush was a good POTUS, certainly not. However, if Al Gore had won in 2000 or if any Democrat were POTUS in 2004, it’s likely that Samuel Alito & John Roberts would not be on the Supreme Court. Lots of conservatives don’t like John Roberts & there’s plenty not to like, but he was in the majority of the Heller & McDonald cases.

Had they been replaced by John Kerry, Al Gore or anyone listening to Chuck Schumer, the McDonald & Heller 5-4 decisions, a razor thin margin – would’ve gone the other way & the Second Amendment would’ve been undermined by gun-grabbing Pedocrats who want male XY chromosome pedophiles in your daughter’s locker room & want to institute a Chinese-Style Authoritarian Society.

Kamala Harris told Oprah she would shoot anyone trying to break into her home. I don’t blame her, she has that right. Do you think she’s going to allow YOU to have that right. No, she wants to defund the police, take your weapons & the #DemocratCrimeWave will become a national problem. Don’t let her & Tampon Tim Walz do to America what they did to the Twin Cities & California.

Elections have consequences, let’s send Sherrod Brown, Jon Tester & Kamala Harris packing next month.

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