Musk said 'Bring. It. On.' to the following fast Democrat clip on CNN

4 months ago

Musk's tweet Notice how the Dem keeps lying again on Jan 6, donations etc. but one other thing - CNN keeps adding more in to support Trump. This is new this cycle...
NEW: Sen. Mark Kelly: Musk Supports Trump Because He Wants That ‘Giant Tax Cut’ for Billionaires

CNN’s Dana Bash set up Kelly to bash
for his remarks at the rally in Butler, PA; leading with a question suggesting Musk has a conflict of interest with his companies’ govt contracts.

BASH: Musk, as you know, has a huge social media platform. And a lot of influence there. He receives billions of dollars from the federal government in contracts

KELLY: “Billionaires like Elon Musk will get their giant tax cut again. It highlights that we've got to do something about getting the dark money out of our political system. Super PACs funded by Elon Musk and others."

They are trying to find an angle of attack on Musk that works; they are throwing everything at the wall at this point.

No word about billionaires like Alex Soros bankrolling Democrats.

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