Viktor Orbán and Geert Wilders Lead Conservatives in Rally for Matteo Salvini

4 months ago

Viktor Orbán and Geert Wilders Lead Conservatives in Rally for Right Wing Hero Matteo Salvini – Italian Deputy PM Faces Six Years in Prison for Refusing Entry to Migrant Boat | "A Holy Alliance of European peoples was born today in Pontida”, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini announced on Sunday 6 October, addressing a cheerful crowd of Lega Nord members, taking place in the northern Italian village of Pontida.

Hungarian Premier, Viktor Orban, praised Salvini, explaining that in Hungary “we celebrate Salvini as a hero because he closed the borders and defended the homes of Italians”.

Orban also added that in Hungary there are no migrants and that he would send illegal migrants to Brussels.

The leader of the Dutch far-right Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders, affirmed that nobody will be able to stop the "patriots" and that “all European patriots will stand by their leader Matteo Salvini”.

League leader and Italian Deputy Premier, Matteo Salvini, started his speech with a refrain of “we don't give up”, repeated several times. Each time the crowd answered by shouting “never”.

Salvini said that in Italy, thanks to the League party, regional autonomy is law and there is no going back.

Then, referring to migration policies, he said that if he is sentenced to six years of jail he will cross the threshold of the prison with his head held high, since he was just defending Italian borders, which is not a crime.

Salvini is facing a trial (Open-Arms case) for not allowing the disembarkation of illegal immigrants in Italy and Palermo. Prosecutors have requested a six-year prison term for him on the charge of kidnapping 147 migrants on board the Spanish NGO ship on August 14-20, 2019.

Regarding citizenship for migrants, Salvini proposed to take it away from migrants who commit a crime

Today in #Pontida24 with friends coming from all over Europe to reaffirm a sacred principle: defending borders is NOT a crime.

If I were to be convicted, I would walk through the doors of that prison with my head held high: they are putting a minister who did his duty on trial, but they cannot put an entire nation on trial, and they cannot stop the holy alliance of European peoples that was born today in Pontida.

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