Insane Rabbi says Donald Trump is anointed as Gods messiah to serve Israel

1 day ago

Insane Rabbi says Donald Trump is anointed as Gods messiah to serve Israel
How the jews took over America...
1. Took control of the issuance of fiat currency which they create out of thin air. ☑️ 1913, Federal reserve act.
2. Created departments to cover for and control any opposition to the Federal reserve act and its owners. ☑️ 1913, Creation of the IRS and the ADL.
3. Caused a depression with said power. ☑️ 1929, The "great" depression.
4. Confiscated the nations wealth. ☑️ 1933, Executive Order 6102.
5. Eliminated any threat to the agenda and set an example for future would be opposition. ☑️ 1963, Kennedy assassination
6.Removed the ability for self defense. ☑️ 1968, Gun control Act of 1968.
7. Made the currency worthless. ☑️ 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that the United States would no longer convert dollars to gold.
8. Created legislation that empowered the culprits to gain control over the population at the barrel of a gun. ☑️ 2001, Creation of the PATRIOT ACT and the Department of Homeland Security, with jews at the helm.
9. Struck fear in and labeled anyone speaking out against this take over as an anti-semite, terrorist, white supremacist, etc. ☑️ 2001 They own the media.
10. They take whatever they want now because they own the courts and the politicians.

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