Part 4: Sons of Liberty Gun Works Bolt Carrier Group - The Ambidextral Gunfighter AR15

5 months ago

AmbGun's Ambi AR page

There are really no ambi relevant standards that impact the choice of BCG. If a LH only shooter, get a LH upper and a LH BCG. A LH only shooter doesn't need Ambi…only the ambidextral gunfighter needs fully Ambi controls. Otherwise the added complexity isn't worth it.

To the extent that I’m a Bolt Carrier Group “expert” is the result of watching School of the American Rifle videos. I learned that A chrome lined cylinder wall is efficient.

BCM’s BCG is the blueprint crate motor of the AR world. And The Sons of Liberty Gun Works BCG strikes me as very similar, if not identical, to Bravo Company’s standard.

I started this Ambi project with a Toolcraft Nickel Boron BCG and I think it would have been adequate…certainly way better than the bolt in our Bear Creek AR. However after watching a video on BCG coatings I decided fuck it, get the SOLGW.

We’re early in the testing process, but so far the BCG has done its job perfectly…feeding rounds into the chamber, locking up with the barrel extension, igniting the cartridge, unlocking and extracting the empty case.

As part of going with a serious BCG, I also dropped in a Geissele SSA-E trigger.

Back in my motocross days, I once had a Honda CR250 with Fox Factory forks, fox shocks, and tricked out engine. The total was less than the sum of its parts. The Ambi AR build has surprised me, it’s more than the sum of its parts. Very pleased. See the Ambi AR page for details.

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