creating extinguishes the emptiness

1 day ago

i upset people that want me to be sumin i ain't
stop having expectations of me damnit
don't be authoritative w/ me, it won't work
you are so lucky i got principles otherwise i'd block yer stupid ass
they idealize me so they can't accept what they don't like that doesn't go along w/ their image of me
mental illness is such a great scapegoat
mentally ill people just have stronger spirit (good or bad)
america is great for finding pharmaceuticals n fast food joints
my audience is typically lefties
most of these mfs are fine w/ medication even tho they swear they hate corporations
west civ is contrary to our natural God-given spirit
the water supply contributes to infertility
IVF is so evil, totally unnatural
you don't have to believe in God n the devil to see this evil for what it is
i knew this bitch who took 52 pills a day n was against abortion?
religious people don't follow the $
when i read anything i can get sumin out of it
marc is right, this is the correct approach
moses was probably on peyote
this kinda sounds like distortion which i like
i'm glad that i look at life this way
still a stoned cold cynic but i can see it multiple ways
my mind splitting is a luxury
just the word boyfriend makes me wanna puke
companionship is such a joke
technically everyone is still fuckable even w/ HIV
boring people get laid via apps
"there's an app for that" do yawl remember that commercial
technology is definitely an authority
i'd rather miss out on this world
lookin to the world to solve a problem that the world caused
it also sounds really bad hahahahaha
holy shit i was pretty spot on there
it is our natural sleep schedule to stay up all night
i really like this chord progression
the impatient make up a lotta shit about me, i just let em
they got nothin goin for em, so i just pity em
i wish you'd shut up n make sumin but alas
internet trolls probably get a lotta dopamine tho
i can't hold it against you for not knowing what i do
you don't have the same eyeballs or earholes or inclination to ask more questions
most people don't wanna study their emotions
you'd think that women would wanna do this but alas
women are more emotional so we should be more responsible
good luck trying to convey that the victim mentality is not a good thing
they destabilize themselves every day all day
men act just like women n it's fucking sick
but the internet tho...
well i guess we just gotta gaslight
i have to create this alternative world to live in so i don't kill myself in this one
when i remember God i am happy in that moment
making stuff significantly reduces the symptoms of having an emotional disorder
i can live w/out weed but definitely not God (tried it n ended up in a psych ward)
thelonious (car) is breathing very loud
i picked up yet another crushed beer can outside the bar
we live in trashville as you know

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