Free Will and Evil Complete

5 months ago

This is the complete video broken into six parts on my YouTube channel:

00:00 Philosophical Determinism and its political implications
00:20 God, Freedom and Evil
00:23 Verificationism and Post-posivist modes of talking about God
00:28 Anthony Flew's death of God by a millions cuts
00:32 The argument against God from because of evil in the world
00:35 God, Freedom and Evil
00:42 The Principle of Sufficient Reason
00:45 The psychological problem of evil
00:52 Explaining evil in the world and responding to it
00:55 Evil and contingency in the gospels
00:59 Scripture, God's choice and our choice
01:04:00 Personal Responsibility and God's Will
00:07 Time dilation and Humankind's redemption
01:10:00 The Tower of Siloam
01:12:00 Moral culpability
01:16:00 The salvation story - election and free will
01:17:00 The logic of salvation and God's choice
01:28:00 God's prerogative and freedom vs human freedom
01:38:00 Free but never independent of our Creator
01:44:00 Overcoming Evil with God - the Dominion mandate
01:47:00 The post-Christian hangovers - onto the scientific planning of society
01:50:00 Review
01:52:00 The Book of Job and the triumph of good over evil
02:04:00 Conclusion
02:09:00 The oppressor narrative, the merging of Marxist and Islamic revolution, and our philosophical responsibility

Recommended reading:

Alvin Plantinga. God, Freedom and Evil. ISBN: 978-0802817310.
Peter Van Inwagen (Ed). Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil. ISBN: 978-0802826978.

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