How To Make YOU Your Priority.

5 months ago

Claire McAndrew is a perfect example of what happens when your priority is pleasing others. In Episode 56 of The Authentic Human Podcast Claire and I discuss so many challenges being faced by humanity right now as we go from one state of being to another as a result of the universal shift in consciousness that occurred August 8, 2024.

Our conversation explores so many different topics:
When you have so many choices – so you don’t choose any, from fear of making the wrong choice.
Decades of burdens and feeling lost causes you to second guess your instincts.
Stop using the fear of your past to create your future.
You think you know more than you do, it’s time to start looking at your life as an exploration.
Your instincts are so good, but if you don’t follow them, they’re useless to you.
Stop Pleasing Others & Start Make The Right Choices For You.
The Truth Behind Why You Fear Trying New Things.
Fear of Judgement VS Feeling Negative Energy.
Is Your Future Worth Your Effort? It’s time to start acting like it.
How To Make YOU Your Priority.
Pets…the truth about how humans and animals are really meant to co-exist.

It was such a pleasure exploring the new reality through Claire’s soul and experiences, I know they will help you move beyond these illusions so you can reclaim the power and joy that was always meant for you.

Find Claire @

The Authentic Human Podcast documents conversations with humans who are working towards reaching their highest potential as they receive Truth, Clarity and wisdom direct from Universal Beings, allowing for greater ease as they step more fully into who they are meant to be.

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About Michelle:
On a Quest to Free Humanity from suffering by Uncovering the TRUE Ancient Origins of Human Existence according to those who created humanity. Michelle’s goal is to eliminate judgement culture by making the world a safe place to be your true self by sharing the simple truth of Who you are, Why you’re here & What you’re meant to be doing with your life from Your Soul’s perspective.
Learn more at

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