Genealogy Introduction Military Research at the National Archives Volunteer Service

4 months ago

PROGRAM: Know Your Records Program - Introduction to Genealogy (1 of 5 videos)

LECTURE TITLE: Military Research at the National Archives: Volunteer Service by John Deeben

LECTURE DESCRIPTION: John Deeben, archives specialist, discusses compiled military service records and how these records can be used for genealogical research. Compiled military service records are available either in microfilm, textual, or digital form.

LECTURER'S BIOGRAPHY: John Deeben is an Archives Specialist in the Research Support Branch, Customer Services Division at the National Archives Building, in Washington, D.C. He specializes in Federal records relating to military service, with particular emphasis on the Civil War era. He is a regular contributor on genealogy topics to the National Archives blog NARAtions, and frequently writes about federal records in various state and national genealogy publications. John holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in History from Gettysburg College and the Pennsylvania State University.

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