⚖️DTTV 221⚖️| Live Q & A with Canadian Criminal Defence, Human Rights, & Constitutional Lawyer...

2 months ago

⚠️ Originally Aired 3-Oct-2024 ⚠️

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👉🏻 DTTV Eps 195 | https://youtu.be/MpGuPGFiE3w?si=FnI6lT-LDA0NhGEt

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 136 | https://youtu.be/XoYhEiSUTcM?si=prC2eXirsG_YB0_0

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 025 | https://youtu.be/UWwFML2mfmA?si=1ATnXliAThde-Mxf

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 220 | https://youtu.be/0BnvEtzzTec?si=SOw3HWuOgnrsZ6iz

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 001 | https://youtu.be/JNFfRQQ_aOw?si=CcARbDg7T__3bLdM

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 006 | https://youtu.be/T8Qc3OnwCOY?si=e6dz6UIeKr9Dn94K

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 022 | https://youtu.be/wk6gv0vc0Dk?si=H4PEMr_qexp3ruAL

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 199 | https://youtu.be/CxAk6grMtu4?si=SApvuS4pF8ouE9yJ

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 165 | https://youtu.be/N4S2H3L-vjU?si=4L02onplTYTQG4n0

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 051 | https://youtu.be/9TsAQs92wto?si=Pfwk58j7AusrInxR

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 172 | https://youtu.be/YI95YaRYbh4?si=wZUe-51oe5eJ328g

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 151 | https://youtu.be/Jo9ehyWgy2I?si=kaMwoZQwrgX1OENQ

👉🏻 DTTV Eps 204 | https://youtu.be/NXb61_XdLGk?si=vJtrkNJssL8TzD00

👉🏻 DTTV at the Freedom Convoy | https://bit.ly/47WTYI6

👉🏻 Link | A - R. v. Crowchief, 2016 ABPC 151 (CanLII), https://canlii.ca/t/gs6bp

👉🏻 Link | B – R. v. Sohier-Chaput, 2023 QCCQ 6397 - https://canlii.ca/t/k0fcn

👉🏻 Link | C – https://bit.ly/3TZaZLR

👉🏻 Previous Live | https://www.youtube.com/live/DHx2vQThY6Y?si=jnIUTSENB5qLbzkJ


Intro Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels & Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special 🙏🏻 to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://linktr.ee/ramdesigngroupinc) for his public relations, communications, and crisis management services.

#DontTalkToPolice #KnowYourRights #YouTubeLive

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