Human Rights Lawyer Shares How CCP Uses Fear to Control Chinese Students in US

2 days ago

10/04/2024 Human rights lawyer Kelley Currie quotes China scholar Eugene Perry Link's description of how the CCP uses fear to suppress and control Chinese exchange students while they study at American universities: By having this presence that sits above them, like an “anaconda in the chandelier”, the CCP silences and discourages people from rebelling against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
#PerryLink #AnacondainChandelier #CCP #ChineseStudents #SoftPower
10/04/2024 人权律师凯莉·库里引用中国问题专家林培瑞的描述,分享中共如何利用恐惧来压制和控制在美国大学学习的中国交换生:中共通过在人们头顶上方保持一种存在,就像“吊灯上的蟒蛇”,使人们噤若寒蝉,阻止人们反抗中国共产党。
#林培瑞 #吊灯上的蟒蛇 #中共 #中国留学生 #软实力

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