Elon Musk at MAGA Trump Rally / The Surprising Fact on DEI

5 months ago

We now have time for one last question. So our last question Make this a good one. Our last one comes from Matthew. Matthew, He was an F15 pilot. I won't hold that against you. Here I got it. Mr. President, first off, I want to speak on behalf of everyone here and say thank you for taking time tonight to speak with our troops. Thank you very much. We got a lot of good-looking men in this audience, don't we? And a lot of good-looking women also, by the way. Thank you very much. Okay, go ahead. I'm going to revisit something you've talked about already. My name is Matt Lohmeyer. I was an Air Force F15 pilot and I was a commander in your newly created US Space Force. I am also the first veteran of the Space Force because, under the Biden-Harris regime, I was fired from my command and lost my pension for criticizing DEI trainings that were rampant in the military. Those trainings are still dividing our troops, and thank you for saying you would fire those few woke generals who are a big problem. I'm going to suggest that it might in fact require ongoing oversight and a persistent, consistent watchful eye within the Pentagon to ensure this monster never returns to the Defense Department. Will you consider establishing a special task force office or position to ensure that these monsters never return to the Defense Department? And you know what I'll do, and I'm pretty good at this stuff. Sometimes you get it wrong. I'm going to put you on that task force. I think it's good. Not going to do better than him. I'll put you on. Make sure you give the name. Thank you, Beautiful. I have your approval. Yes, sir, I have your approval. We're not going to get better than him. You're right about it. You're right. Thank you. I'm cut, Mr. President, that wraps it up for the evening. Do you have any closing statements to everyone? Well, I just want to say that it was very important that I got to North Carolina. You know Laura, my daughter-in-law, gave me the most beautiful grandchildren, but Laura's here. I don't know if she's right here or where Laura is. Would you come out here? She is absolutely the greatest. Come on up here. Come on, she comes from right around here, and she loves this state. And you know you better be careful because I'm going to blame her if anything happens in this state. That's true, but we're going to win. North Carolina, are we not I am from right down the street a little ways in Wilmington, North Carolina, where I was born and raised, and I know I don't even have to ask this audience this question, but are we ready to send Donald J. Trump back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? All right Here's what I need from everybody. You might know that I am right now the co-chair of the RNC. Thanks to my father-in-law calling me one evening, but here's how we are going to make it too big to rig. Here's how we're going to swamp the vote. Is everyone in here registered to vote? If you are not, go right now to swapthevote.com and get registered. Go vote early and take every person you know to go vote early. We will win this big league, as Donald Trump says on November 5th. All right ladies and gentlemen Thank you guys. I love you, North Carolina. Thank you. I have to thank you because you gave me a really great daughter-in-law. She's really special, and she is.
#politics #maga #maha #elonmusk #trumprally #trumpvance2024

Swamp the Vote USA: Do your part to guarantee we win by more than the margin of fraud by casting your vote and taking responsibility for ensuring every Republican and Trump voter in your household casts theirs too.

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