i'd rather be hated than loved cos i'd agree way more *yelling w/ a tune attached

4 months ago

finally did piano punk once again on stage, thank you trish
trish came into town tonight so i really just did it for her since she asked n i had the keyboard w/ me n bobby's is a bar for singer/songwriters
any dive bar has sumin taped up on the wall
i dunno how to talk yawl
i yell at myself all the time
the majority of humans are pansies
if it weren't for my guilt complex i'd say way meaner things
it would probably do me some good but alas
the devil works in obvious ways
the audience was pretty good tonight
i used to hate myself quite a bit
any other knowledge i've acquired was thru self-knowledge
many x people prove that they ain't too good
a lotta people are chronically empty which leaves them bitter about not ever having enough
pull yourself together however possible
you gotta try at the very least
God could never leave me
if i got sumin good out of it how is it bullshit
if it did sumin that needed to be done...
tapping into the one that created you works wonders
losing interest in things that were once of the utmost importance
i think that this is the reason why marijuana is referred to as the devil's lettuce
i still love frank zappa even tho he let his kids watch porn
more will be revealed if you just trust the process
marijuana will help you realize things, trouble is for me all of these things have been utterly painful n sad
many atheists believe in pharmies tho
this "illness" makes me sing
i'll mfing take this over everything else damnit
this whole channel is hoping to make a case for God
call me delusional if that makes you feel better

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