PM: Powell

5 months ago

Timestamp for Powell:

Full video:

Slides for Powell’s presentation:

Webpage for ADRi Event:


Ray Powell was formerly a Defense Attaché in Canberra, Australia. The Defense Attaché System is part of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

“Today, defense attachés are appointed by the secretary of defense to serve as senior defense officials/defense attachés (SDO/DATTs) and are responsible for all DOD activities and personnel assigned to the Embassy of the country in which they serve. SDO/DATTs serve as the primary military adviser to the ambassador and country team on military issues and developments. Additionally, they represent the secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and greater DOD elements. SDO/DATTs plan and coordinate U.S. military activities with that nation’s armed forces; observe and report on military developments; oversee U.S. military training programs; and support DOD and other VIP visits.
“Defense attachés are an integral part of the DIA team. DIA uses all-source defense intelligence to prevent strategic surprise and deliver a decision advantage to war fighters, defense planners and policymakers. The agency collects and analyzes key data using a variety of tools, and deploys its personnel globally, alongside warfighters and interagency partners, to defend America’s national security interests” -

I can’t help of thinking about Karl Popper and George Soros whenever I hear ‘open society’. 🤭

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