Jet Wintzer - MOON HOAX NOW 2015 + Apollo 14 - Hidden Flag

4 months ago

27 May 2017
MOON HOAX NOW filmmaker Jet Wintzer updates his groundbreaking film with a new revolutionary segment featuring rare high resolution footage from the Apollo 14 missions that clearly shows the flag moving multiple times while the astronauts are in the ship after the close of EVA 2. No other video concerning this important historical footage appears at Youtube, Vimeo, or anywhere on the internet as of May 27, 2017 when this film was uploaded.

The 2015 version of MOON HOAX NOW had its World Premier at the 8th Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, winning a PIFF Film Forum Selection award. (The 2015 full MHN feature can be seen on the MOONFAKERY Youtube channel.)

"MOON HOAX NOW 2017" is the forthcoming updated version that premiered at the 29th U.S. Super 8 Film and Digital Video Festival at Rutgers University on February 19, 2017, where it won an Honourable Mention award from the New Jersey Film Festival jury.

This segment features the testimony of NASA Jet Propulsion scientist - Stephen Edberg - wherein, at, Mr. Edberg states unequivocally that the only time the flag moved was when the astronauts handled it, or when the rockets fired at launch. This film proves that long held NASA defense to be utterly false.

The forthcoming updated feature - MOON HOAX NOW 2017 - also contains other new evidence not exposed in the 2015 edition.

Also, in response to the 3000+ viewer comments that the 2015 version generated, Jet Wintzer has removed the "light flash in the visor" question. The new evidence in the 2017 edition takes precedence.

MOON HOAX NOW 2017 a feature documentary film by Jet Wintzer. ©2015 and ©2017 Filminco Productions

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