Learning Scotch Ideas with Imagine Drangin

5 months ago

Hey Fam, these are just some ideas I play at the 1600 rapid elo level; that stated, sub 1200 elo the BASED Scotch opening will be a SICK and LETHAL weapon for you. Enjoy.



(link to the article above)

The Scotch Game begins after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4. White strikes on the center immediately, forcing Black to give up their central e5-pawn. With this move, White virtually guarantees a space advantage. They also avoid the heavy theory of the Ruy Lopez, which is especially advantageous for beginners.

Scotch Game Chess Opening.
The starting position of the Scotch Opening.
The downside to White's third move lies in the fact that it releases the central tension too early. White will also need to invest another tempo if they want to recapture the pawn after Black takes on d4.

White virtually guarantees himself a space advantage
Black is unable to maintain the e5 point.
It avoids the well-analyzed Ruy Lopez.
It releases the tension very early.
Recapturing the d4 pawn will require a second move by the white knight.
The e4 pawn can later come under attack.

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