10/5/24 The Lord is our protection.❤️

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A 6:10 Window Stands Open Over Nations at This Time!
October 5, 2024 Veronika West

So, while In Finland, I released a TIME-SENSITIVE Word.

I saw a “Window of Time” standing Open before Nations.

And so I began asking The LORD about this “Window”, and He showed me many things about this Window — one being that a Window is a place where we look out, where we are able to see what’s coming and what’s on the Horizon.

A place where the dimensions of vision into the unseen realm are accessed.

This Window is open that we may ‘see’ in this hour, in order to receive Supernatural Knowledge of what is and what will take place — but also where we access the deeper realms — where God unveils Secret Strategies and Battle Plans for victory!

Now, as God was talking to me about this Window of Time, I suddenly felt a strong hot wind beginning to blow through this Access point, and I knew by The Spirit it was a “Winnowing Wind” — a Wind that is now beginning to blow forth upon Nations on The Threshing floor — a Wind that would come to Separate, to Sift and to bring a Divine Distinction to what was Holy and His and what defiled and of the kingdom of darkness.

But strangely and very poignantly, I knew again by The Spirit that this hot wind proceeded a Scorching Fire — a Fire that would begin to fall upon Nations!

I knew that the Fires of Purification are about to come upon The Nations like never before.

Nations are now entering The Furnace — just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, the three Jewish men who were thrown into a fiery furnace for refusing to worship a statue of gold!

But then suddenly the Hot Winds were followed by a Mighty Wind — this Wind was Refreshing, Reviving and Igniting!

And I knew by the Spirit of Revelation, that this was The Seven Winds of the Seven Spirits of God, bringing forth Resurrection Breath to the Dry Bones of Sheep Nations in the Valley — and I knew that this was The Seven Spirit Winds that proceeded The Rain of Restoration!

I could smell the strong — and almost intoxicating — fragrance of the coming Rains, being carried on The Winds of The Seven Spirits…

I heard, ”Get ready! The River is coming! The river of Ezekiel 47 is coming!”

But then as The Seven Winds of the Seven Spirits began to blow through the Window of Time.

The Mighty Winds began to lift me higher, to where I was no longer standing before an Open Window — but an Open Door!

And this Door led me beyond 2024 — and into 2025 and beyond!

Bear with me, as I can’t share yet what I saw, but The LORD told me, that the Window is….

A “6:10 Window”  6+10=16  6+1=7 … Seven (7) Spirits!

It’s the “Window of Daniel 6:10” that stands open before us!

”And when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; (now his windows were open in his chamber toward Jerusalem;) and he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.” Daniel 6:10.

This is a “Window” of Time — where God has called His Ecclesia to be aligned and positioned in these days.

It’s in this place where the Destiny and Birthright of Nations will be warred and contended for.

It’s a Window of Time — situated in The High Places of The Spirit Realm.

There is a Clarion Call to The Ecclesia to take its place in the power of the Priesthood Mantle at the Window of Time — even as Daniel did!

A 6:10 Window
Six (6) is Powerfully prophetic.

Six (6) symbolic of Man’s weakness, is why number six is called the “number of man.” — as on the 6th Day, God created man.

Six (6) — God’s Strength made perfect in weakness.

It speaks to the unraveling scrolls; Joshua 6 — Joshua and Jericho

The sixth chapter of Joshua is where we read that Joshua and the Israelites marched around Jericho once a day for six days with seven priests each carrying a trumpet. (Remember, seven means perfection).

It was on the seventh day that the people were to march around Jericho seven times with the priests blowing the trumpets so the city walls would fall!

God also commanded the Israelites to harvest their land for six (6) years and then let it rest the seventh year. The seventh year is called the Year of Jubilee… (Much more on this).

Ten — (10) : Divine Order : Perfection

So much of what we are being called to in this Season is beyond anything we could ever achieve in our own strength.

God is giving us greater Revelation of this with every passing day.

At this 6:10 Window of Time we will discover that the battle truly belongs to The LORD — and He alone will get all the Glory!

Through the weakness of men — God will display His Power and bring Divine Order in the Earth.

This 6:10 Window speaks powerfully to Lifestyle of Total Dependency on God.

Daniel went to this Window three times a day to cry out — and God answered in Power!

Keep Watching and Praying!

It’s interesting to note that The LORD is highlighting the numbers 6:10.

God always speaks in multidimensional and mysterious ways! And it just came to me that TOMORROW is the 6th of October; 6/10….!

So, let’s be ever Watching, staying vigilant and Praying always in The Spirit!

God is Speaking!

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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