Starmer’s GB Energy is a ‘shell company’ for the Big Six!

2 days ago

Right, so whilst Keir Starmer continues to be embroiled in donor fiasco’s and the Business Minister has to answer questions about cash for croissants, Labour charging £30K to have breakfast with him, again begging the question, what are companies buying, because it certainly isn’t pastries, Labour’s energy policy, amongst other things, have been exposed even more as a bigger and bigger scam being pulled at our expense as Starmer’s Labour are seen to be working for big money, big business, investors and quite possibly donors, all at our expense. GB Energy, already having been exposed as a sham that won’t produce energy, but will simply be an investment vehicle for green energy investment is now even more useless than that following announcements on Labour’s green policy now, but even worse than that, as a result of those changes, now amounts to little more than a shell company for the Big Six energy firms who have scalped us with the most expensive energy bills in Europe for too long, to save cash for themselves. That’s nice isn’t it? And whilst Labour also talks up the jobs created by such policy moves as GB Energy, promised changes to workers rights? Yeah, they’ve been quietly binned as well. Starmer’s Labour is for the wealthy, not the workers.
Right, so GB Energy, I’m sure we’ve all heard of it by now, Labour’s new flagship policy after Labour ditched their £28bn green policy, pretty much the only transformative plan Labour under Starmer had presented, binned off as clearly far too forward thinking for them, replaced by something more watered down, all in the excuse of the Tories economic mess meaning there was no money left. Different faces, same old excuses, same old Tories really, even if they’re now wearing red rosettes.
As soon as GB Energy was dug into, it readily turned out that it wouldn’t be producing any energy at all, and let’s face it, it was already being questioned heavily, when it was announced it wouldn’t be a supplier to us, but to energy distributors and generators, the same companies already scalping us, the Big 6. In point of fact therefore, cheaper energy was it seemed to be produced wholesale for them, to make even larger profit margins on when sold to us. That is where some of Labour’s supposed growth will come from, even though there was scant sign they’d be taxed any more than the Tories taxed them, which amounted to minimal mates rates, or, not at all in exchange for their investment in oil and gas fields we already own, that they as fossil fuel companies are very much still exploring. It is negligent to not use our money to invest in our country, but the Tories wouldn’t do it, kissing backside to the private sector and so GB Energy seems to show Labour under Starmer will be no different either and I’ll pick that point up again in a moment.
GB Energy is basically a quango therefore, a government investment body basically, where we put some £8.3bn of seed money in to convince the private sector to come and invest in the green energy infrastructure the country needs, which Labour hopes will mean for every £1 of public money they put in, the private sector will put in £3. Who will own therefore, what eventually gets produced in which case? Who will own the new onshore windfarms? Who will employ the supposed 68,000 people in Scotland who would gain employment off the back of all of this? And that’s another point I’ll come back to presently as well because it looks like they’ve been shafted too.
So if we set GB Energy to one side for a moment, a related point to this story was covered by me in a video just yesterday which discussed the launch of a £22bn green policy based on carbon capture and carbon storage, basically offset technology for fossil fuel producers which in point of tact doesn’t exist. The only carbon capture and carbon storage technology that actually exists is nature itself, so for Labour to have ditched a £28bn plan which included investment in new electric vehicles and windfarms, more research into more efficient and better methods of harnessing green energy, Labour are instead going to explore solutions which have never presented themselves, in order to allow the fossil fuel industry to keep on burning fossil fuels.
So how does GB Energy fit into that picture now Damo? Well I’m so glad you asked!
This is where Labour’s GB Energy con has now taken a turn for the even worse than it already was.
Labour’s carbon capture plans are going to apparently operate across two sites, in Merseyside and Teeside, which have been labelled Track-1 clusters, which sounds good I suppose, but jargon is meant to confuse and you should always smell a rat when people get intentionally technical I always think. But exposing the link between this and GB Energy now, is a document from the government’s own website, a press release entitled ‘Government reignites industrial heartlands 10 days out from the International Investment Summit’ which they published just yesterday and here is the damning excerpt from it implicating not just GB Energy in this sham, but also the Crown Estate:
‘The carbon capture, usage and storage industry is expected to support 50,000 good, skilled jobs as the sector matures in the 2030s, helping to support the oil and gas sector’s transition away from high emission fossil fuels by using the transferable expertise of their workforce. This supports the UK’s mission for growth, while putting the country at the cutting edge for developing the skills of the future.
An up and running carbon capture industry is expected to add around £5 billion per year to the UK economy by 2050 and the backing of these 2 sites sends a clear signal to investors that the UK is open for business.
As part of the partnership with GB Energy and The Crown Estate, the progress on Track-1 comes as The Crown Estate awarded an Agreement for Lease to Eni to repurpose existing infrastructure to transport and store CO2, reducing cost and environmental impact.’
4000 new jobs now, is what Labour are saying, but their carbon capture industry will rise to 50,000 by the 2030s except as I’ve already made the point, the technology doesn’t exist. Any attempts at carbon capture and carbon storage on a national level that is effective have never been developed. Labour are talking as if it already exists when it does not and Labour’s original £28bn plan to invest in going green with our energy production, rather than offsetting how it is produced now, which was only £6bn more than what Labour are proposing to spend now, notably also the same size as their financial black hole they claim to have, a lot of people have noticed that oddly enough. And if you still doubt my word on this, well, you’d imagine if the technology existed, if there were carbon capture or storage facilities somewhere in the world, a photograph of it would be a great way to sell it, as something tangible and real, but here is Mr cash for croissants Jonathan Reynolds, our business minister stood in front of not a photograph, but an illustration of the technology in action, because, there is no photographs of such things, because the technology does not exist.
GB Energy meanwhile, under Labour’s new green plans, now looks set to be little more than shell company for the big six to green wash their carbon footprints. Our money, invested into GB Energy, the point I said I was coming back to, will be funnelled through that to kickstart private investment, in washing those sooty feet of the main energy companies still drilling for oil and gas, our money via the public purse paying to scrub them clean, with tech that doesn’t actually exist, whilst they continue to scalp us and our energy bills rise yet further as indeed they’ve just done again. GB Energy is an even bigger con at our expense now than it already was previously.
Now another point I said I was coming back to was concerning jobs and of course just here in relation to this story there are apparently 68,000 Scottish jobs at GB Energy proposed, along with 4,000 now growing to 50,000 in relation to the carbon capture side of this nonsense. But this other move by Starmer’s bunch affect all workers, because it’s a promise, a pledge he made to us already, a manifesto commitment at that, which he has it seems quietly U-turned on now as well and this concerns the right to switch off.
This was the plan coming in Thursday’s Employment Rights Bill, being brought by Angela Rayner, the so-called Workers Rights Bill, which included a notable policy called the right to switch off, to make it a right that workers need not engage in work related activities, phone calls, messages, emails outside of their allotted work hours.
Well guess what folks? It’s been dropped.
Labour have apparently been accused of being anti business, having not devoted enough time bowing and scraping to bosses recently, can you believe and therefore to please them, and right Labour MPs who have called right to switch off anti business and anti growth, the party of the workers as Labour is meant to be, once more shafts the workers.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but this isn’t a Labour Party, this is another Tory Party and so shifts like this, we should expect and not really be surprised by. Big business is all Starmer and Reeves and croissant boy Reynolds care about. Not us. We remember this at the ballot box.
For more on the climate change policy shafting that now implicates GB Energy, do check out this video recommendation with more of the detail as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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