“Sacrament—And Power!” GET TO THE POINT™ Come Follow Me: 3 Nephi 17-19

2 days ago

Get my book: https://www.amazon.com/Consider-Servant-Kendal-Brian-Hunter/dp/1555177522

Opening Hymn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NbQ6Ry3_2A

I. Intro
i. You're looking good today and it feels good to be with you.
ii. Patter
II. Theme:
i. "The Sacrament--and power!"
ii. Finished the Covenant Sermon
iii. This is how to close meetings
1. TPJS, 296, As president of this house, I forbid any man leaving just as we are going to close the meeting. He is no gentleman who will do it. I don't care who does it, even if it were the king of England. I forbid it
2. The Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, 183, To begin with, I have heard President Young and President Taylor a great many times from this stand ask the people to keep quiet until the meeting was dismissed; but as soon as the sermon ends there are a hundred of them rush for the doors. I do not like it.
3. Running to the door like the chapel was on fire. Church is 2 hours, not three, on one, not zero hours.
III. 3 N 17
i. Home centered church.
1. Mosiah 2:15, families and clans and tribes
2. Pattern
a. Home
b. Ponder
c. Ask
d. Prepare
i. Temporal
ii. Spiritual
ii. Minister
1. Minister with words, working by faith is working by words
2. Healing
a. Touched
b. Taught
c. Healed
iii. Children
1. Focus on little children
2. Prayed and wept over them, due to wickedness. environment of sin, and acculturated to wicked as normal.
3. Angels come to minister
IV. 3 N 18 Sacrament
i. Answers questions about sacrament; this is the perfect sacrament meeting: Four statements
ii. First Statement
1. One ordained to do this
a. My understanding keys and delegation
b. Need organized religion, priesthood, order and hierarchy.
c. Not for vague spirituality, church hanging out at Starbucks
2. For believers and baptized
a. Not before D&C 20:68
b. No need for confusion
3. Focuses on Bread
iii. Second Statement
1. Directed to the 12
a. Disciples, versus multitude
b. Apostles in Mormon 2:2
c. Wentworth Letter
2. Focuses on wine/water D&C 27
3. More or Less
a. Catholic Church give wafer, priest drinks wine: https://www.catholic.com/qa/why-does-only-the-priest-receive-from-the-chalice
b. We don't niggle, make gloss statements about "more that unites us than separates us," "all worship same god,"
c. I prefer be honest about differences and 11th article of faith
iv. Third Statement
1. To multitude
2. Pray to resist Satan
3. Words given, not multiply words
4. Unity
5. Hold up Christ
6. Don't forbid people, exclusionary as Zoramites
v. Fourth Statement
1. Don't let unworthy partake
2. Eat and drink damnation to soul
3. Counsel:
a. Don't administer
i. 4 Nephi 1:27 "they did receive all manner of wickedness, and did administer that which was sacred unto him to whom it had been forbidden because of unworthiness."
b. Don't forbid from attending meeting
i. D&C 46
4. Issue of membership restrictions
a. Mosiah 26
b. Being an enabler
c. Turns Primary into Neverland Ranch
5. Christ departs
V. 3 N 19
i. Care for other people
1. Runners
2. Go home
3. Other crowd reactions and dispersion; all unified
4. Gather to Bountiful
a. Other things like food,lodging, and restroom facilities
ii. Organization
1. Divide to 12 groups
a. Mosiah 18:18-20
b. Mosiah 24
c. Dividing wards and quorums, D&C 107:89
2. Unified Doctrine
a. The Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, 135 There is one particular feature connected with the preaching of the gospel: You may send out a thousand elders and they will all teach the same doctrines ...Supposing a thousand ministers of different denominations were to be sent out into the world, it would be very different with them from what it is with the elders of the Church of Christ: they would not be so united or so harmonious in their sentiments. Our union and oneness of sentiment constitutes one of the prominent beauties of the organization of the kingdom of God.
3. Teach and prayed, versus  sandbags benchwarming
4. Rebaptized
iii. Christ returns
1. Prayer
2. 19:21, Christ prays for us, for you
3. Prays for
a. To Father, in name of Son
b. Unity
c. Purity
4. didn't pray for World, but for those chosen
VI. Christ Quotient
i. End of 3 Nephi 17
1. Seen and know
2. Tangible, sensible witness
ii. Home centered church
1. Temporal: buy groceries and pens and notebooks on Friday. Precook food
2. Spiritual: Pondering and prayer, and focus
iii. Sacrament
1. Not rigid, sometimes sloppy, can be counterproductive: Let all things be done decently and in order.1 Corinthians 14:40
2. burden on members to come prepared
3. how to organize things so home to church is simple
a. Lay out clothes
b. Precook food
4. An ordinance and a covenant
5. Way leave sacrament meeting, act like it was an irritation or Alqaeda torture
6. HWH Thoughts on the Sacrament: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1977/04/thoughts-on-the-sacrament?lang=eng
iv. Doctrine
1. DHO O 1999
a. I have sometimes observed teachers who gave the designated chapter no more than a casual mention and then presented a lesson and invited discussion on other materials of the teacher’s choice. That is not acceptable. A gospel teacher is not called to choose the subject of the lesson but to teach and discuss what has been specified. Gospel teachers should also be scrupulous to avoid hobby topics, personal speculations, and controversial subjects. The Lord’s revelations and the directions of His servants are clear on this point.
2. Church Correlation
a. Baby Boomers complain about
b. A backdoor way to criticize the Church without loosing temple recommend
c. Control issue, hijack church.
d. One doctrine
v. look at how to improve in these areas, and go to Christ--and that's the point

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