WEF Insider says Iron Dome was switched during Iranian attack to spark WW3...

11 days ago

WEF Insider says Iron Dome was switched during Iranian attack to spark WW3... Iran’s attacks on Israel are part of an elaborate 'inside job' by the global elite who are working to ensure the conflict will ignite a 'holy war' that will rapidly spiral out of control into WW3, paving the way for the elite to install a 'One World Government'.. According to an insider, recent events in the Middle East, including the Israel Hamas war and now the conflict with Iran have been planned by the global elite and are now playing out to the letter.. with the ultimate goal of shaping the world in their own image.. But there is just one problem for the globalists and their plans to spark World War 3 and enslave the human race. Their plans rely on the ignorant dumbed down Useful Goyim of the world remaining ignorant..

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