2 days ago

The word "religion" literally means "return to bondage." Religion has always been the biggest form of mental, emotional, and spiritual bondage for humanity. Ironically, the Bible was written in response to religion, as God was trying to help humanity break free from the bondage of religion, but every step of the way, humanity has decided to walk after the flesh...the carnal mind...and insist that religion, in some form or another, be practiced and upheld, in order to appease the gods that they created in their own minds. Even after Jesus came and paved the way to set humanity free from religion, once and for all time, the Apostles struggled with deprogramming the masses from their addiction to the religious mindset, and inevitably, religion won out, and we have been suffering under the bondage of religion for thousands of years now, even though, in Christ, we are all free. Join Ethan Lucas in this ground breaking series as he exposes the evils of religion and what the Bible really says about the creation of Satan, known as religion...

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