Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About Trump's Role in J6 is in this Video

3 months ago

While this is a excerpt from the Wallstreet Journal Opinion podcast, the important parts are the facts that they are discussing regarding Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, the Supreme Court and its Rulings in regard to the aftermath of the events that day, and what both Mike Pence's role in government actually was, as well as what Donald Trump's actual role in government was.

Based on what the Supreme Court's oral arguments contained, and the final decision handed down by the court, the most important part is at the tail end of this clip. While it is good to have context leading up to the point that is driven home here, understanding what that point implies makes it crystal clear that everything they have done to Donald Trump over the past several years now has been purely, and undeniably political in nature and has nothing to do with whether or not Trump is actually guilty of any of the false and baseless accusations that the political left has relentlessly accused him of.

All of those convictions you say? Well, that's easy. Go back to the criminal case that you lefties are so proud of and review everything about that case.

First, I would suggest that you review the fact that a NY state law was changed for a year with an automatic reverting clause to go back to the way it was before they changed it after that one year time period is/was reached, and they did it for the only purpose of going after Donald Trump on charges that the statute of limitations had already expired on to begin with.

Even then, the charges they lodged against him were misdemeanors to begin with, not felonies. Essentially, paperwork violations. So they arbitrarily changed them to felonies just because they felt like doing that because they wanted it to look as bad as possible on Trump, especially if they could secure convictions in their Moscow-Show-Trial styled proceedings under Judge Merchan, whom by the way had several obvious conflicts of interest and absolutely refused to recuse himself in light of that fact. His trials of Trump virtually mirrored the Moscow-Show-Trials perfectly.

For those of you who all to frequently lack in knowledge of world history, those took place in Communist Russia where it was/is very common to deprive individuals of their rights, because there, individuals actually don't really have any. (They do, but they would have to fight and overcome the government in order to ever be able to realize or exercise them. This was a dispute that we settled a long time ago by kicking the English military's asses and sending them packing, not once, but twice because in 1812, the King wanted seconds and we felt obliged to pile it on his plate so he could stuff his tyrant face with dead English soldiers.) But I digress, back to the point.

You have to get past all of that stuff before you even get to the real issues, as if all of the ones I've mentioned already will pass the Supreme Court's stress tests. For the sake of argument, lets entertain such a fictional likelihood and say they do pass.

Now we have the issues with the witnesses and their credibility, the prosecutions star witness too, I should note, has actually been found guilty of perjuring himself in a court of law in this country once before at a previous but unrelated trial.

That is typically enough for the court to disregard the testimony of that witness, or good reason for the jury to do so, and typically speaking that's because no prosecutor in their right mind would ever put a convicted perjurer on the witness stand for the prosecution in a criminal proceeding. And this is because the court is asking the jury to take the prosecution's word as being upright and just, and fair, and the prosecution vouching for the credibility of the witness and his/her testimony while also considering that the burden of proof is on the prosecutor, not the defendant. If I'm a juror and I know about the perjury conviction of the prosecution's star witness, personally, nothing at all after that fact comes to light matters a single bit, it will be a not guilty verdict regardless of anything else presented because doubt will be cast on all things which follow.

Yet, Bragg still put him on the stand as his star witness. There are many other problems with this case that each alone would probably fail to pass the Supreme Court's scrutiny if it comes before them, and I'm certain it will if it doesn't get overturned by a lower court first, which it should because it was a completely corrupt proceeding in numerous ways.

The point is that all of the criminal convictions the political left brags and boasts about, will every last one be overturned, clearing Donald Trump's good name and his record. The man has never even had a single glass of alcohol in his life, hasn't smoked a single cigarette, and he didn't even break the paperwork laws in the case I'm speaking of here that were converted from misdemeanors into felonies by democrat operatives exclusively for Donald Trump and for nobody before or after him.

The fact that democrats don't seem to have any issue with any of this is a huge issue for our entire country. It is absolutely depraved and shameful on the part of everyone who is still affiliated with that Political Party.

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