Natsandgaytoo Speaks Before Congress

5 months ago

Message from VAT Member Ricky “ Doc “ Rogers. U.S. Navy Gulf War Veteran, Vice Chairman of Veterans Against Treason.

Good evening, brother.

Just received some intel and decoded it. I'm sure you already know most of this.

We have ships in the Eastern Mediterranean, northern Red Sea, and Indian Ocean. The ships in the IO are 300 nm from the Straits of Hormuz. They are waiting for a launch order.

These are part of the Eisenhower and Ford BGs.

Those missiles you are seeing on MSM are actually old footage clips. Reused after the first "claimed attack" by Iran. If you look and compare the trajectories, the tales and trails are identical.

The real missiles are coming from inside Isreal (Sdot Micha) and are outbound toward Lebanon. (Softening the battlefield for the IDF) Bombing innocent and unarmed men, women, and children. So, who are the criminals and terrorists now? I wonder if Isreal has started building the concentration camps (we call ours FEMA camps) so they can capture the Lebanese/Palestinian people and begin the genocide of those innocent people. Netanyahu stated he would not rest until all Lebanese, Hamas, and Palestinians and those bystanders (code for Americans or International Coalitions or tourist/journalists) in and around the Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon are exterminated like insects and vermin.

The explosions you are seeing again are old MSM videos and are controlled explosions inside Isreal. Netanyahu claims the explosions are from Iranian missiles and/or Hamas planted bombs. Not True Ben !!!

The 24th MEU is sitting 100 mikes off the coast of Isreal and bouncing the Aegis signal in a triangle (it's bouncing between the Eastern Med, the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean they are watching to see what is happening; Mainly watching Iran.

Iran has NOT, I repeat, has NOT launched any missiles in the last 14 days, including missile testing.

Arms - Isreal has not used their prized Jerico missiles, which is their Nuke or any US Patriot / Tomahawk missiles. (Tommy's will be launched from Tel Nof). Because they are US and expensive ($1.75 mil each), they won't use them.

Most of their missiles are US, so they are being very careful to use only theirs.

There will be MSM reports:

1. Hamas attacked Isreal near Rishon.

2. Hezbollah attacked the northern border of Isreal near Acre/Haifa.

3. Of course, Isreal will retaliate. The aim is Beruit. They may use a random shoot and forget approach.

Those missiles they have been using are old (LORA) short-range around 200 mile range.

Their ICB (non nuke) are the (Arrow 2 and Arrow 3)

Hope this helps you and your listeners.

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