3 months ago

Ignorance is not an excuse
I did not know will not be accepted
Had I know is brother to mister late
You live once and die once
In law they saw there is no excuse for ignorance! In the same vain spirituality there is no excuse for not being born again, there will be no excuse for your ignorance of not receiving the saving grace of our lord Jesus Christ which is a free gift. When you die either by natural causes or by an act of providence, you will stand before the great Judge and give an account for your life while you were alive on earth. What will you say or do before the Lord when your name is not found in the Lamb book of life? There is only one decision, Hell fire automatically. There is only one way to avoid going to hell, that is your name is being found in the Lambs books life. How do you get your name written in the Lambs book of life? By receiving Jesus into your life as your Lord and personal savior. Acts10:8-10. Get saved asap today.
#pastoriykeabbe #pattiabbe
#salvationinchrist #salvation_eternal_life #salvationmatters
#judgement #judgementofGod #death #getbornagainnow #getsavedtoday
#soulimpactchurch #youhavenotimetoplay #thereisnomoretime #

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