MINI ICE AGE tried generate into SOUTH AFRICA also into north europe [from near antarctica]

2 days ago

[?] for sell 'climate change' thats old plan not gonna fully happen, blackrock media was not also tell via mainstream media how julian assange was been officially begin all new coming system publicly been begin or mainstream not tell before forced, was known when julian assange speak is official begin for all new, on second day october was been voted for julian assange, julian assange was not have licence tell all yet:

"Julian Assange Was A Political Prisoner, Council Europe Parliamentarians Declare In Vote"

[..] even looks radioactive fallout from august 2024 was been stop already remember on europe over month official monitoring data was been show from 9th august 2024 to forward how was been made dirty bomb radioactive leak fallout on england coast, radiation was 30x over evacuation level happen how looks sounds false flag was tried to make via mainstream media with radioactive fallout for stage frame nuclear strike from russia without nuclear warheads, fallout was shown after symbolically on olympics ending ceremony 2024 when tom cruise was 'acting fallouts' from sky whats western illuminati ready paid deep programmed negative plans before eastern dragon familys aka original secret societys do overdrive western illuminati whats only mimic copy original, negative groups plans been for frame stage radiation sickness into monkey pox mpox as both looks similar skin symptoms, negative groups try get people into hospitals to murder for organ business whats satanism aka mimic copy origianal lower dimension alien cannibalistic cultures slavery on all forms how only history past been repeated continuesly on earth surface hundreds years with religions cults also with spirit world spiritualism aka original AI deep programmed souls what been program people into believes with read write think level aka low frequency on modern city area where people own energy only 20% how why people not have real manifest.

"Nikolai Tesla stolen Death Ray/Direct Energy Weapon used as early as 1947 Maine Fire"

[!] trump alone is not enough on people artificially made problems, situation is beyond trump capacity.

"Donald Trump town hall in North Carolina"

"DONALD TRUMP holds rally at site of Pennsylvania assassination attempt | LIVE | USA ELECTIONS"

[?] ascension = evacuation

[@] UNDERSTAND NUCLEAR WAR NOT HAPPEN as all nukes rendered to useless already on in 2023 also monitored to be destroyed after launch or even before launches:

"“It Was Definitely A UFO That Shut Down Our Missiles” Aliens Stop Nukes? | The Unexplained Files"

"UFO shot down a missile over the Vandenberg AFB!"

"SPEECH from 1970s [ENGLAND TV]"

"Orbs of Light creating a Crop Circle" [in england]


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