Apatros Review Ep-0108: Don't Answer The Phone! [1980]

5 months ago

AR-0108: One of the first slashers of the 1980s and most certainly a uniquely sleazy step up from the rest of the pack, this semi-legendary example from the catalogue of Crown International ["If it's Crown, flush it down!"] has Nicholas Worth give the performance of a lifetime, effortlessly owning the film as the nastiest nudie photographer moonlighting as a radio talk show prank caller and serial killer you're ever gonna see.

That being said, the film has a seriously nasty mean streak to it that will make it hard to sit through [or at the very least make you want to take a cold shower afterwards to wash away the grime] so it isn't as enjoyable as you'd want it to be.

My Grade: D+ [Disappointing]

The film saw a cut release in Australia on a cheap $2 DVD from Payless Entertainment [that wasn't cleared with the OFLC so the R18+ rating on the cover is a fake - the movie was actually banned in Oz back in the early 1980s & technically still is] but if you do want an uncut print for cheap, the Mill Creek "Pure Terror" 50-film box set does have the uncut version of the film in what I'm guessing is the 1.33 soft matte transfer, so indeed the full picture. Quality of that print ain't perfect, but it is still a good transfer for the budget and actually exceeds "grindhouse" level standards so there's the recommendation right there.

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