This Is The END Of The 'Old' Continent | Dr. Pascal Lottaz

1 day ago

Originally published on 30 June 2024.
Europe has committed many crimes over the past 1000 years. But never it has committed them on this scale, this willingly, and in such a united front against itself. The level of self-defeating policies that are bringing the continent to the brink of nuclear self-destruction are flabbergasting.

In this talk, Ezequiel Bistoletti from the Spanish-language channel Demoliendo Mitos de la Politica ( interviews me about my views on current affairs and this very bizarr moment when many European elites are willingly sacrificing the interest of their citizens on the altar of Trans-Atlantic globalism.

Oh and at the end, we also have a nice chat about Japan and why I‘m still in love with this country :)

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