2024-10-02 GESARA Talk Show 256 - Wednesday

5 months ago

October 2, 2024, The GESARA Talk Show 256 - Wednesday
Duration: 3:40:00 - Captions in English and German

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Barbara (Florida, USA)

In this show we discuss the start of the RV and celebrate Barbara's project and birthday.

0:00:00 Introduction, welcome to the start of the RV.
0:11:53 Wolverine's Live Chat, backups. CDS and Batman.
0:28:26 Website updates to https://gesarashow.com/rv
0:42:11 RV News
1:04:32 GESARA News, October 2, 2024
1:19:03 After the NEWS, with Barbara
1:22:52 Bank of America is down. Verizon offline
1:25:28 Michael Jackson
1:19:03 General news, VP Debate
1:30:33 Q&A Section - General section
2:17:25 Peter in Berlin
2:20:29 Secret of the Irish
2:21:54 Peter and CDS, Derek is changing…
2:36:56 Update from Wolverine
2:37:49 Let's Manifest the RV
2:47:48 Free money on the street….
2:52:17 Barbara presents her McGhee's Minitures Project
3:21:29 Happy Birthday Barbara!
3:36:19 Wrapping up
3:40:00 End.

Meeting summary for 2024-10-02 GESARA Talk Show 256 - Wednesday

Quick recap
Peter and Barbara discussed their plans for their show, including website updates and potential guests. They also discussed updates to the GESARA Show website, the current banking system status, and upcoming events in Bogota. Additionally, they discussed various topics such as the potential impact of Basel 3 compliance on banks, the life and inventions of Royal Raymond Rife, and the concept of using full brain capacity and manifesting spiritual powers

Next steps
• All participants to practice visualization/manifestation techniques before bed as suggested by Obi-Wan.
• All participants to stay patient and wait for more RV movement updates in the coming days.
• Peter to monitor for RV notifications and update the group if received.
• Barbara to continue developing her miniatures business expansion plans, including training staff for future locations.


Banking System Update and Personal News
Peter discussed the current banking system status and mentioned banks are ready to start the payment process. Peter also discussed upcoming events in Bogota, one involving a Pentecostal leader on the 4th and another event planned for a different day. He shared news about possible social security payment increases and the arrest of 150 bankers allegedly holding up the RV.

Website Updates, Downloads, and Global RV Discussion
Peter discussed updates to the GESARA Show website, particularly the RV page, and the process of ordering and downloading the Tally Sheet. He emphasized that the document should not be altered, as it would disrupt the form's functionality. He also addressed issues related to not receiving the download link, and how to check the status of orders. Peter clarified that the RV would happen globally and it would not be necessary to set up a trust or open a QFS account before the appointment. He also mentioned that the RV and NESARA GESARA might not happen simultaneously, with the RV likely to occur first. Peter encouraged people to sign up for his forum for notifications and to visit Dina Recaps for more information. He also addressed questions about the 4 Rs (reclamation, restitution, reparation, and redemption) and the clearing of mortgages and banks. Lastly, he explained how to handle denominations not listed on the tally sheet. Peter also addressed issues related to downloading documents and subscription expiration.

Upcoming RV Changes, XRP, QFS, and Payouts
Peter mentioned the upcoming changes related to the RV news, expected to be implemented by October 1st, with notifications likely starting around that time. He discussed the current Dinar exchange rate of $3.57 and the expected timeline for payouts. Peter highlighted the potential of XRP and QFS in revolutionizing the financial system, ensuring secure and transparent transactions. He mentioned the structured payout system for humanitarian projects and the potential increase in Xrp's value when adopted globally. Peter discussed the benefits of the Qfs system, including personal retirement for those over 50 and the possibility of living longer with advancements like Med beds.

Peter, Barbara, and Obi's Diverse Discussions
Peter and Barbara discussed various topics, including the news, notifications, and a broken pumpkin figurine. They also talked about their reading habits, with Barbara on book 7 of "The Michael Prophecies" by David Wilcock and Peter reading "Forbidden Health". The conversation ended with Peter keeping an eye on various channels for any vital updates. They also discussed the issues with Bank of America's system, the potential impact of Basel 3 compliance on banks, and the recent vice presidential debate. Lastly, Obi shared his thoughts on a spiritual book he was reading, while Peter and Barbara expressed their reservations about it.

Wi-Fi, 5G, Child Recovery, and Basel 3 Compliance
Obi discussed his concerns about Wi-Fi and 5G technology, and his efforts to recover children from councils. The group planned a peaceful operation for retrieval. Philip shared observations about a new hospital construction site. The team discussed potential impacts of Basel 3 compliance on banks and the need for trusts.

Middle East, Law Insurance, and Basel 3 Compliance Discussion
Philip, Peter, Barbara, and Obi discussed various topics including a movie about the Middle East situation, a law insurance strike, and its potential reasons. They also discussed the closure of ports and its impact on weapon shipments to Ukraine. Obi shared information about the implications of Basel 3 compliance on banks and the potential for some banks to be in serious trouble due to fraudulent bond pipers. They also discussed ongoing military activities and the potential impact of signing an NDA on their work. The participants also shared their daydreams about getting their projects approved and discussed a book called "Forbidden Health" by Andreas Kalcker.

Royal Raymond Rife, Timken Company, and Berlin Visit
Peter and Obi discussed the life and inventions of Royal Raymond Rife, an American inventor from the early 20th century. They noted Rife's groundbreaking but undisclosed technologies and his connection to the Timken Company. Peter has visited Rife's grave and former lab, keeping his legacy alive through ongoing research and advocacy. They also discussed the technology behind a microscope that uses parallel light to maintain resolution. Peter shared his recent visit to Berlin, where he visited the iconic Brandenburg Gate. Obi recalled visiting Berlin when he was 15 years old. The group also discussed various topics, including Irish heritage and the concept of living a long life without growing old. Obi shared his recent experiences of having vivid dreams that felt almost real and a significant change in his emotional state.

Exploring Brain Capacity and Spiritual Manifestation
Obi discussed the idea that removing the domes suppressing human abilities would allow people to use their full brain capacity and manifest spiritual powers. Dell and Barbara questioned the notion of only using 2.5% of the brain. The group debated intuition, sensing truth, the impact of domes, and the concept of firmaments. They discussed manifesting positive outcomes through visualization rather than waiting for results. The conversation ended with excitement about their future endeavors.

McGhee's Miniatures: Business Expansion and Marketing Strategies
Barbara shared her experiences in creating miniature models and her store concept, McGhee's Miniatures, which aims to bring families together through shared activities. She discussed her successful marketing strategies, creative events, and plans to expand her business with a new facility. The team expressed admiration for her unique approach and creative skills. They also discussed the challenges of dealing with a loved one's depression and a technique for manifesting desired outcomes through visualization. The conversation ended with birthday wishes for Barbara.

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RV Support, New: Tally Sheet Updated to Version 4e (Sept. 25)

Getting Started on the GESARA Show:

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