Guys Put A Real Engine In A Barbie Go-Kart, Then Push It To Its Limits

6 years ago

Humans love to travel. It seems like they can never stop and stay in the same place for too long. There must be a study somewhere done about the connection between our nomad ancestors and our love for everything connected to transport.

Traveling means new opportunities. In ancient times, people roamed the earth trying to find fallen fruit and hunt for food. Traveling was a way of life and it meant that staying in one place for too long might be your demise. Nowadays, the proverbial fruit are job opportunities and higher standards of living. People are in constant search for a bigger quality of life and the development of faster modes of transportation has enabled a faster way to reach our goals. This is probably why people absolutely love their transport.

On the top of the priority list when job and house hunting is the location. If it’s closer to the city center and closer to your job, it means that it saves you money and time. Right below this requirement is the public transport in the city you would live in. It needs to be easily accessible, it needs to be widespread and it needs to be cheap. Of course, having your own transport means you don’t depend on any of it, but it might empty your pocket much quicker than you think. Either way, it gives you a sense of extra security and it satisfies that primal need you’ve kept in your genes throughout time.

One of the things that can testify about our obsession with cars is the invention of smaller versions of our cars meant for children. It’s as if we are training them in advance to become the next best Formula 1 pilots, until they are old enough to drive. These small cars are incredibly cute and we can’t help but admire our babies as they roll their tires on the asphalt. There are a lot of models of these toy cars, all with a different theme, meant to satisfy the different tastes of our younguns.

Sometimes it seems like they are so cool, that even adults want to take a ride around the block in them. This footage shows us how two guys managed to adjust a bright pink Barbie Power Wheels Mustang into an extremely awesome go-kart. The toy car looks a bit worse for wear but it will get even more destroyed as they try to perform as many stunts in it as possible. After decking out this pink Power Wheels go-kart with an actual engine, these guys pull off some epic tricks in this awesome footage, proving us that they are truly enjoying riding it. This go kart truly suits them, making us even more sure that there is no gender when it comes to colors, they all look perfect in the dirt.

What did you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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