REKT! Trump Bodies Liz Cheney RIGHT Before She Takes The Stage To Campaign For Kamala And OMG-LOL

5 months ago

Posted • October 4, 2024: Last night, right before Liz Cheney was about to go onstage and officially destroy what was left of her political career, Donald Trump had this to say about her. As you can imagine, it wasn't all butterflies and rainbows. Omg Trump just bodied Liz Cheney before she takes the stage with Kamala: Liz Cheney is a stupid Warhawk. All she wants to do is shoot missiles at people." Like father like daughter, right? Hey, you guys remember that time she threw her lesbian sister under the bus so she could get elected? Turns out she's still the same, sad person throwing people under the bus to help herself. Surely she knows that by endorsing and campaigning for Kamala Harris she is embracing abortion without limits, any time, with zero restrictions, taxing unrealized gains, and destroying free speech as we know. And she wants us to think she's putting country before party.

We all know she's putting herself over country. The choice in this election is clear - Trump represents a return to an American-led world order. Kamala represents an America-last world where our enemies are running rampant. Cheney supporting Kamala translates to continual wars that favor our enemies and leave our allies dry. I am not sure how Liz Cheney helps Kamala. Lefties hate Liz. Oh sure, they'll tolerate her because she hates the guy they all hate but ultimately she is a Cheney, and when the dust clears they'll turn on her just as they've turned on Righties since the beginning of political time. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - REKT! Trump Bodies Liz Cheney RIGHT Before She Takes the Stage to Campaign for Kamala and OMG-LOL

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