FEDS Issue Stand Down Orders to North Carolina First Responders – Dr. Jane Ruby

5 months ago

There should be nothing more important than this right now. Nothing.

This should supersede all the other b.s. political news. Our Local News doesn’t even mention this.

They have this b.s. Israel sh*t they are focusing on and will probably go to Defcon 5 eventually and have Trump save the day – just a hypothetical.

Biden is flying in so they can have a no fly zone.

This government has gone evil.

They want the Quartz and the Lithium.

They ARE 100% Directing these Hurricanes and will upload more videos on this.

They are controlling these hurricanes and leading them where they want.

Just weeks ago the Feds were trying to convince residents to sell their property and they refused, now that exact small area is hit and totally destroyed, most dead and

Now helicopters are not being allowed to help. They are just letting these people die and making it a recovery operation, but they are taking that a step further as they plan on using FEMA to plow over all the trees and the water was so high there are dead people in those trees.

People who are voluntarily rescuing are being prohibited.

FEMA and the RED CROSS are f*cking useless and just there to objstruct.

This is officially going too far.

I think this is just the beginning as they want to make our lives so horribly awful that when they offer their new financial system we will have no other options.

Buckle up, because they in their “storm” they plan on pandemics, grid blackouts, cell outages, “natural” disaster after disaster, cyber attacks, more port issues, supply chain issues, food shortages, inflation continues, and the final boom is all the markets crash as “unchosen” banks fail.

Sorry I didn’t cut out Dr. Jane’s ads on this one, she spends too much time on ads, as I usually cut most of them, but too many other flood videos to upload today.

Source: Dr. Jane Ruby -- https://rumble.com/v5h7muc-feds-issue-stand-down-orders-to-nc-1st-responders.html


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END. 10/5/2024 – 3:00 PM

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