A Forgotten Video Of Jade The Cat

4 months ago

I was browsing though my video archives and I happened to find something that I had completely forgotten. A short video of my late cat Jade sleeping in her little nest. I can see why I never released it. The video was short, it had no real direction and when Jade passed away I didn't find joy working on these videos. It was a forgotten video of something that meant a lot to me and something that I lost.

A big thank you to Harmonic Shift for allowing me to use his music and his background image in this video. I listened this song soon after finding this video and I could't help thinking: If magic is real, then Jade is still somewhere - purring loudly and making other people happy like she made me.

Fairy Whispers by Harmonic Shift:


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Credits for the music:
Fairy Whispers by Harmonic Shift
Creator: https://odysee.com/@KylerKey:1
Song: https://odysee.com/@KylerKey:1/fairy-whispers-harmonic-shift:f
License: Copyrighted (contact the owner)


Credits for images used in video:
Fairy Whispers by Harmonic Shift
Creator: https://odysee.com/@KylerKey:1
Song: https://odysee.com/@KylerKey:1/fairy-whispers-harmonic-shift:f
License: Copyrighted (contact the owner)


Credits for the thumbnail image:
Site: https://pixabay.com
License: https://pixabay.com/fi/service/license-summary/
User: https://pixabay.com/fi/users/geralt-9301/
Image: https://pixabay.com/fi/illustrations/maailmankaikkeus-taivas-t%C3%A4hdet-2742113/


Special credits:
Odysee SpaceMan logo: https://odysee.com
Minds Lightbulb: https://www.minds.com/
Bitchute Logo: https://www.bitchute.com/
Gab Logo: https://gab.com/
Rumble Logo: https://rumble.com/

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