Jewish Mysticism Kabbalah Secrets- Black Magic

5 months ago

"A magical form of gaining POWER over the PSYCHOLOGICAL WORLD through SYMBOLS".
I have heard Jay Parker (SRA survivor from a Satanic illuminati family) say that their power is in the SUBCONSCIOUS and that is why they put HIDDEN SYMBOLS in WALT DISNEY FILMS, COMMERCIALS, & EVERYWHERE that your CONSCIOUS MIND (5%) does NOT pick up but your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND (95%) does pick up and it INFLUENCES you without you even being aware of it!!

I remember listening to Jordan Maxwell back in 2002 showing the Occult SYMBOLS and giving their MEANINGS and once I became AWARE of these SYMBOLS I began to see them EVERYWHERE around my town/city and at the Parliament buildings and in the Symbols of all the billion dollar CORPORATIONS.
It is a Language "HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT".

Just like any ancient knowledge like Kabbalah etc... you can't just read it LITERALLY to gain its knowledge. Only ADEPTS who have attained a certain knowledge or skill get INITIATED in the process of decoding the knowledge through SYMBOLISM. A universal language.

Ancient Egypt. It was the philosopher PLATO (427BC- 348 BC) who first mentioned the ancient civilization of Atlantis. And according to Graham Hancock it was a family relative/ancestor of Plato's who was a priest in Egypt where this knowledge was known & passed down. It was ancient Atlanteans believe to have survived the Cataclysm of 10,900BC (Younger Dryas) who built the 3 Pyramids of Giza which are completely different and much much older (8,000-10,000BC) than the so called Egyptian authorities say it is.

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