Intro to the "Awakening The Illuminated Heart" workshop with Viola Rose

18 days ago

A guided Heart meditation and introduction to The work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, facilitated by School Of Remembering certified teacher Viola Rose. Being offered monthly online and occasionally in the Sedona Arizona area. Here is a glimpse into this profound work. Learn how to activate your heart based Merkaba and learn to live from the unity of the heart instead of the duality of the mind, activate your psychic centers and connect to your higher self. This is really sovereignty training and a way to gain freedom from the matrix/simulation/reincarnation cycle.
I have the honor to have offered this workshop more than 100 times since 2012 to well over 1000 participants.
Here is a link to my workshop listings on my website:
Here is a page of hundreds of reports/testimonials from folks who have been through the workshop with me:

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