Swapping Reticles on a Malcolm Scope - The Straightforward Guide

5 months ago

Swapping out the reticle for one of our old Malcolm Scopes - such as either version of the 8X Unertl, the 20X, or the newer 6X Long Parallax-Adjustable scope is a pretty easy process.

Why swap a reticle?

1. The existing reticle might be damaged
2. You might want to switch to a new, custom reticle

Swapping out the reticle is going to be the same for each of these scopes, even if the parts involved look a little bit different.

[Start with the scope on a level surface, or pointing the objective down]

1. Remove the eyepiece.
2. Remove the eyepiece lock ring.
3. Remove the two screws on the sides of the reticle locking frame.
4. Slide out the reticle frame by tilting the scope. Some light taps may be required.

The last step (4) is the one where the most care is needed. The reticle is about 0.001" thick, and easily damaged. Whatever you do, don't let the reticle wires directly touch anything - not your finger, not a tool, not a random tool on your work bench. It should touch nothing but air. When you're sliding the reticle, keep your finger toward the side of the scope tube. Stop the reticle frame with pressure at the very edge or corner, not on the center.

Putting a new reticle frame into the scope follows the same steps in reverse, with one important note: Make sure the holes line up before sliding the reticle frame into the tube. If the holes are out of alignment, you'll have to slide the frame back out to align it all over again.

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