Bigfoot, Near Death Experiences, & Giant Spaceship Heading Towards Earth?

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A Bigfoot sighting, near-death experiences, and a giant spaceship heading towards Earth: all this and more on this Friday Night Live.

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Did someone catch one of the best Bigfoot videos ever seen, or was it created just to get clicks and views? Hear about the now-viral video, along with other Sasquatch sightings and stories that have been shared throughout the years.

Because our nation and the world seem to be “on the edge” right now (pun intended), it's good to share stories of hope and messages of the divine with near death experiences. Discover how people felt during the Tangshan earthquake of 1976 and more. Also hear Ben’s personal experience about watching his grandmother pass away in front of him—and how it changed his life.

For the weekly Mandela Effect (a.k.a Bendela Effect), what do you remember about the famous painting of the dogs playing poker, called “A Friend in Need”? Is one of them wearing a green visor?

Join Edge of Wonder on this Friday Night Live to dive into all of this and more. During the “Dig Deep” Live Q&A segment, ask your questions directly. In the fan-favorite Top 10 Weirder News of the Week, hear hilarious and intriguing stories, such as Mozart’s new single that dropped after 250 years; giant, demonic doll scaring locals; a son suing his mom after throwing out his comic collection; and more—only on Rise.TV. As always, we’ll see you out… on the edge!

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