STRANGE Abandoned Buildings in Europe

5 months ago

"From mansions and ancient churches, to the giant Buzludzha Monument, these are 7 Strange Abandoned Buildings in Europe

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3.Berengaria Hotel | Cyprus

Opened in 1931, the Berengaria Hotel in the mountains of Cyprus offered a place to relax and be surrounded by nature. It was definitely not a place for common folk, and it was advertised as a luxury retreat.

Having great amenities including a nightclub and a casino was definitely a plus for anyone that wanted to spend some money while vacationing, however by the 1980s, mismanagement resulted in a fall from grace.

The bad management can be attributed to the fast change in ownership, the original creator of the hotel retired and left the business to his three sons, who in turn, ruined everything.

And of course, lets not forget the 2 ghostly figures that have been spotted by the now empty pool. Is there an abandoned hotel that ISN’T haunted ? I don’t know about you, but this hotel is definitely hauntingly beautiful, what do you think ? Would you spend a night in this now derelict building ?

2. Restaurante Panorâmico | Portugal

Back in the 1960s. a brand new restaurant with futuristic architecture opened in Lisbon, Portugal. The Restaurante Panorâmico sat up high on a hill and overlooked the heart of Lisbon. The architecture was ahead of its time; back then, it looked like a work of art, not a restaurant This, combined with its view of Lisbon, was the perfect combination for attracting customers willing to pay. The amazing view was a blessing and a curse, however.

When it first opened, it was all the craze, so of course people were willing to make the trip out of the city to dine at the hottest new restaurant. However, as time went on, a general disinterest settled among Lisbon citizens and tourists because it was so far out of the way from public transport and the main downtown area. Also, it was one of those experiences where once someone visited, they never needed to come back.. The restaurant officially closed in 2001, and the building has been abandoned ever since.

Now, it looks like it could be a great set for a sci-fi or thriller movie, but efforts to renovate it always fall short. Everyone wants it to be preserved, but unfortunately, nobody is willing to do the work. At least the views are still nice.

1. Buzludzha | Bulgaria

It's pretty powerful rhetoric, and I guess at the time people believed in what it said. But judging by the chained up doors, and crumbling steps, the message was lost at some point.

Speaking of the chained up doors, I was really trying to get inside, then I noticed the little police booth hidden to the left of the entrance. I offered the security guard some money, but he would not let me in. Said it was too dangerous. I guess I just wasn’t lucky enough, since I have seen plenty of photos from the inside.

Walking around the building you really get a sense of how big it is. The giant red star still shines on top of the tower, and it would’ve been pretty cool to get a view from up there since there is stairs inside. Everywhere you look, there was graffiti. Considering the place has been abandoned since the fall of communism in 1989, its no wonder. What do you think, should structures like this be cleaned up and protected more ?

On the inside, the most stunning piece of the monument was its roof, nowadays you can barely read out what it said.

The future of Buzludzha is unknown, there is always talks about renovating it and turning it into a tourist destination, but it really doesn’t seem likely. The road to get there is littered with potholes and there’s barely any signs on how to get there. The more popular Shipka Monument that's only 15 minutes away brings in a lot more visitors, you can actually see the Buzludzha monument from there as well. Really, you can see the Buzludzha monument from almost everywhere around it. This video was taken from a road in the valleys below. I guess they chose a great location to showcase the power of communism, at least while they had it."

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